Разделы презентаций

Individual and collective protective equipments. Actions of the population in

What is the state “protection equipment”?The Requirement for PPEThe Hazard AssessmentHow can we protect our self's?Individual and collective protective equipments

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Made by students of 207th group (NP)
Sabyr Sanzhar
Bulegenov Zhandos
Yessimov Kayrgali

and collective protective equipments. Actions of the population in fires and

explosions in the manufactures.
Made by students of 207th group (NP)Sabyr SanzharBulegenov ZhandosYessimov KayrgaliIndividual and collective protective equipments. Actions of the

Слайд 2What is the state “protection equipment”?
The Requirement for PPE
The Hazard

How can we protect our self's?
Individual and collective protective equipments

What is the state “protection equipment”?The Requirement for PPEThe Hazard AssessmentHow can we protect our self's?Individual and

Слайд 3Hazards exist in every workplace in many different forms: sharp

edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise and a myriad

of other potentially dangerous situations. So we should protect our self’s and all society from that threats.

Types of dangerous

Hazards exist in every workplace in many different forms: sharp edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise

Слайд 4Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or

equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from injury or infection. 
How can

we do that?
Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to protective clothing, helmets, goggles, or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body

Слайд 5Respirators
Skin protection
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Protective clothing and ensembles
Ensembles of different protective


Main types of equipments

RespiratorsSkin protectionEye protectionHearing protectionProtective clothing and ensemblesEnsembles of different protective equipmebtsMain types of equipments

Слайд 7An NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) suit is a type of military personal protective

equipment designed to provide protection against direct contact with and contamination

by radioactive, biological or chemical substances, and provides protection from contamination with radioactive materials and some types of radiation, depending on the design. It is generally designed to be worn for extended periods to allow the wearer to fight (or generally function) while under threat of or under actual nuclear, biological, or chemical attack.

NBC suit (Общевойсковой Защитный костюм)

An NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) suit is a type of military personal protective equipment designed to provide protection against direct contact

Слайд 9Fire – it is uncontrolled process of burning, which destroys

material values and creates danger for life and health of

Explosion – it is burning with the release of big amount of energy in some fixed volume for a short time period. Explosion creates a blast wave.
Causes: defects in electrical network, violation in safety rules and accident prevention.

Actions of the population in fires and explosions in the manufactures.

Explosion on Fukushima NPP

Fire – it is uncontrolled process of burning, which destroys material values and creates danger for life

Слайд 10Some statistics
According to researches which were provided in USA

Some statisticsAccording to researches which were provided in USA

Слайд 11To prevent fires and explosions is necessary to exclude the

possibility of formation of combustible and explosive environment, as well

as prevent the occurrence of these environments ignition sources.


To prevent fires and explosions is necessary to exclude the possibility of formation of combustible and explosive

Слайд 12Fire prevention tasks can be divided into three broad but

closely related set of measures:
training, including dissemination of knowledge about

fire-safe behavior (the need to install home smoke of indicators and storage of lighters and matches out of reach of children);
fire control, providing for the development of state fire safety regulations and building codes, as well as verification of their implementation;
provision of equipment and technical development (installation of portable fire extinguishers and manufacture of safe use of lighters).


Fire prevention tasks can be divided into three broad but closely related set of measures:training, including dissemination

Слайд 13Security comes down to the following key tasks:
prevent an explosion;

put out the fire of arisen;
prevent the spread of fire

to adjoining rooms;
evacuated from the danger zone for children and adults;
if you can not stop the burning, to evacuate;
inform the fire brigade;
fight the fire before firefighters arrived.

Actions in case of fire

Great fire in London

Security comes down to the following key tasks:prevent an explosion;quickly put out the fire of arisen;prevent the

Слайд 14From the material presented it follows that the fires and

explosions accompanied by the destruction of material values, endanger human

life and health, the environment. The fast-paced society, science and technology, the more urgent becomes the problem of fires and to ensure fire safety. Therefore, prevention of emergency situations involving fires and explosions can be considered achieved if everyone will know the causes and consequences of fires and explosions, and be able to prevent them.


From the material presented it follows that the fires and explosions accompanied by the destruction of material

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