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JOBS– PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE More esl games: DE&AL DE&AL https://vk.com/deandal

Look carefully at the position of the professionals during the indicated time. Then, click on the right sentence.

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More esl games:
DE&AL DE&AL https://vk.com/deandal

JOBS– PREPOSITIONS OF PLACEMore esl games:DE&AL DE&AL https://vk.com/deandal

Слайд 2Look carefully at the position of the professionals during the

indicated time. Then, click on the right sentence.

Look carefully at the position of the professionals during the indicated time. Then, click on the right

Слайд 3Click on the right sentence
The teacher is above the actress

teacher is on the left of the actor
The teacher is

below the artist


Look carefully at the pictures during 20 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe teacher is above the actressThe teacher is on the left of the

Слайд 4Click on the right sentence
The dancer is below the architect

dancer is above the doctor
The dancer is on the left

of the actress


Look at the pictures
during 15 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe dancer is below the architectThe dancer is above the doctorThe dancer is

Слайд 5Click on the right sentence
The doctor is on the left

of the scientist
The doctor is on the right of the


The doctor is on the right of the baker


Look at the pictures
during 10 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe doctor is on the left of the scientistThe doctor is on the

Слайд 6Click on the right sentence
The actress is in the middle

of the professionals
The actress is between the actor
and the


The actress is below the baker


Look at the pictures
during 5 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe actress is in the middle of the professionalsThe actress is between the

Слайд 7Click on the right sentence
The architect is on the right

of the teacher
The architect is below the teacher
The architect is

on the left of the teacher


Look at the pictures
during 5 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe architect is on the right of the teacherThe architect is below the

Слайд 8Click on the right sentence
The artist is above the doctor

artist is on left the doctor
The artist is below the



Look at the pictures
during 5 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe artist is above the doctorThe artist is on left the doctorThe artist

Слайд 9Click on the right sentence
The clown is in the middle

of the professionals
The clown is on the right of the


The clown is between the astronaut and the waitress


Look at the pictures
during 20 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe clown is in the middle of the professionalsThe clown is on the

Слайд 10Click on the right sentence
The postman is on the right

of the vet
The postman is below the vet
The postman is

on the left of the vet


Look at the pictures
during 15 seconds

Click on the right sentenceThe postman is on the right of the vetThe postman is below the

Слайд 11The vet is between the astronaut
and the bricklayer
Click on

the right sentence
The vet is between the waitress and the


The vet is between the butcher and the clown


Look at the pictures
during 5 seconds

The vet is between the astronaut and the bricklayerClick on the right sentenceThe vet is between the

Слайд 12The singer is on the left
of the bricklayer
Click on

the right sentence
The singer is below the bricklayer
The singer is

above the bricklayer


Look at the pictures
during 5 seconds


The singer is on the left of the bricklayerClick on the right sentenceThe singer is below the

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