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Koroteeva Valentina Vladimirovna, valentina.shilova77@gmail.com


Morphological Expressive Means OutlineParadigmatic morphology: adjectivesadverbsnumeralsprepositionsSyntagmatic morphology: affixationparallelism

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Слайд 1 Koroteeva Valentina Vladimirovna, valentina.shilova77@gmail.com

Stylistics of the English Language 8

Koroteeva  Valentina Vladimirovna, valentina.shilova77@gmail.com Stylistics of the  English Language 8

Слайд 2Morphological Expressive Means Outline

Paradigmatic morphology:
Syntagmatic morphology:

Morphological Expressive Means OutlineParadigmatic morphology: adjectivesadverbsnumeralsprepositionsSyntagmatic morphology: affixationparallelism

Слайд 3Adjectives
the adjective can get transposed from one lexico-grammatical group to

another (e.g. from relational, or classifying, to qualitative, or descriptive):

honored himself by his simple adherence to truth, and was very willing not to shine; but he surprised by the hard limits of his thought. To judge from a single conversation, he made the impression of a narrow and very English mind; of one who paid for his rare elevation by general tameness and conformity.”
[English Traits by Ralph Waldo Emerson]
Adjectivesthe adjective can get transposed from one lexico-grammatical group to another (e.g. from relational, or classifying, to

Слайд 4Adjectives
the violation of valency rules in adjectival epithets:

‘white rush’ instead

of ‘white swan’
[Yeats, Leda and Swan, from Arnold 2010]

‘Intelligent Business’

Coursebook in Business English, Pearson Education Limited, 2013]
Adjectivesthe violation of valency rules in adjectival epithets:‘white rush’ instead of ‘white swan’[Yeats, Leda and Swan, from

Слайд 5Adjectives
the comparative or superlative affixes are attached to those adjectives

that normally do not allow it:
“You cannot be deader than

the dead.”
[Hemingway, from Arnold 2010]
“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than
You.”  [Dr.Suess, Happy Birthday to You]
Adjectivesthe comparative or superlative affixes are attached to those adjectives that normally do not allow it:“You cannot

Слайд 6Adjectives
the violation of the superlative degree formation rules:
“With unabated bounty

the land of England blooms and grows; waving with yellow

harvests, thick-studded with workshops, industrial implements, with fifteen million of workers understood to be the strongest, the cunningest, the willingest our Earth ever had; (…)”

[Thomas Carlyle, Past and Present]
‘The orangemostest drink in the world.’
“He was the most married man I’ve ever met.”
[from Arnold 2010]
Adjectivesthe violation of the superlative degree formation rules:“With unabated bounty the land of England blooms and grows;

Слайд 7Adjectives
substantivized adjectives often get stylistically marked in the context:

“When the

Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Realities”
[a book by Stanislav

Grof (2006)]
“The English country gentleman galloping after a fox – the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible.”
[Oscar Wilde]  
Adjectivessubstantivized adjectives often get stylistically marked in the context:“When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Realities” [a

Слайд 8Adjectives
the use of adjectives to convey the attitude of a

speaker to the subject matter (e.g.irony, sarcasm):

‘What is not in

dispute is that witnesses heard voices raised, and that at some point Mr.A and myself both fell, entwined, down the stairs, landing in the hall at exactly the moment when, as luck would have it, the front door opened to admit the first of Mr.A’s guests, my right honourable friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer.’
[Robert Harris, PMQ, (2000)]
Adjectivesthe use of adjectives to convey the attitude of a speaker to the subject matter (e.g.irony, sarcasm):‘What

Слайд 9Adjectives
the transposition of other parts of speech into the adjective

creates stylistically marked pieces of description:

‘A camouflage of (…) dirty-jeaned

drabness covers everybody and we merge into the background.’

[Marshall, from Znamenskaya 2005]
Adjectivesthe transposition of other parts of speech into the adjective creates stylistically marked pieces of description:‘A camouflage

Слайд 10Adjectives
the transposition of adjectives into nouns:

“Hello, wonderfuls! People often message and

email me to ask which of my books I would


[C.JoyBell C., American author, cjoybellc.blogspot.ru] 
Adjectivesthe transposition of adjectives into nouns:“Hello, wonderfuls! People often message and email me to ask which of

Слайд 11Task 1 Adjectives
“You are the bestest friend I’ve ever met.”

bending from the sky,
With infinite affection
And infiniter care
Her (Nature’s) golden

finger on her lip
Wills silence everywhere.”
[Emily Dickinson, At night Nature takes care of the world]
“...The fine, the large, the florid — all off!” [Galsworthy]
“Curioser and curioser!” cried Alice. [L.Carroll]
“There was something she read once, something that she thinks was supposed to be about politics, but seems to describe their predicament exactly: ‘When the old is dying, and the new cannot be born, a variety of morbid symptoms appears.’” [Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]

Task 1 Adjectives“You are the bestest friend I’ve ever met.”“Then, bending from the sky,	With infinite affection	And infiniter

Слайд 12Adverbs: functions
to mark time/manner/frequency/degree, etc. in an expressive manner:
“It was

then that Mr.A disclosed that he had misled us.”
[Robert Harris,

PMQ (2000)]
to convey the psychological and emotional condition of the speaker:
“Surprisingly, the ground rushed away under his feet and he all but lost his balance.”
[A.Thorpe, The Glow (2005)]

Adverbs: functionsto mark time/manner/frequency/degree, etc. in an expressive manner:“It was then that Mr.A disclosed that he had

Слайд 13Adverbial modifiers: stylistic functions
while performing an attributive function, adverbs

indicate relational modification: mentally retarded, socially acceptable
and doing so,

be part of a euphemistic expression, expressing the tolerant attitude of the speaker: volumetrically challenged instead of “plump/obese”

Adverbial modifiers: stylistic functions while performing an attributive function, adverbs can indicate relational modification: mentally retarded, socially

Слайд 14Adverbial modifiers: stylistic functions
the grammatical meaning of degree can

get transposed into the stylistic meaning of conveying the attitude

of a speaker to the subject matter:

“The comment was, as usual, robust; some might say robust in the extreme.” (indirect disapproval or indignation at the person who made such a comment)
[Robert Harris, PMQ, (2000)]
Adverbial modifiers: stylistic functions the grammatical meaning of degree can get transposed into the stylistic meaning of

Слайд 15Adverbial modifiers: stylistic functions
with the adverb ‘perhaps’ the grammatical function

of expressing uncertainty can get transposed into the stylistic function

of showing mild/wary criticism:
“I was in his company for about an hour, but find it impossible to recall the largest part of his discourse, which was often like so many printed paragraphs in his book – perhaps the same – so readily did he fall into certain commonplaces (a trite remark).”
[English Traits by Ralph Waldo Emerson]
Adverbial modifiers: stylistic functionswith the adverb ‘perhaps’ the grammatical function of expressing uncertainty can get transposed into

Слайд 16Adverbial modifiers
a chain of semantically heterogeneous adverbs can raise the

emotive charge of the phrase:

‘an absurdly, incomprehensibly and untypically long


[Shakhovskiy, 2013]
Adverbial modifiersa chain of semantically heterogeneous adverbs can raise the emotive charge of the phrase:‘an absurdly, incomprehensibly

Слайд 17Task 2 Adverbs
“The dialogue, though, is as nothing compared to

the noisy babble of self-interrogation that goes on in her

head almost every minute of the day. Would she like a baby? (Probably, although…) Would she like one now? (Maybe, but…) Does she want one with Paul? (Sometimes, when…)”[Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]

“Maybe he was trying to wind her up. Maybe he was trying to sound surer than he felt and it just came out that offensive, arrogant way. Maybe he was high on something.”
[Janice Galloway, The Bridge, (1996)]

Task 2 Adverbs“The dialogue, though, is as nothing compared to the noisy babble of self-interrogation that goes

Слайд 18Numerals
are employed to achieve the effect of exaggeration:

‘It was such

a noise as if 3 volcanoes and 3 thunderstorms worked

out synchronically.’

[Shakhovskiy, 2013]
Numeralsare employed to achieve the effect of exaggeration:‘It was such a noise as if 3 volcanoes and

Слайд 19Numerals
can convey some symbolic meaning creating a riddle:
“She cannot imagine

what it must be like to be him, to have

this one simple thought, this faith, that renders everything else in his life – his work, his family (a wife and two boys, both with eleven first names), his friends and his favourite TV programs – temporarily insignificant.”
[Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]

Numeralscan convey some symbolic meaning creating a riddle:“She cannot imagine what it must be like to be

Слайд 20Numerals
can be used for the sake of persuasion:
“I've missed more

than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300

games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” [Michael Jordan]
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” [C.S.Swindoll]
“But, even then, its temperature would be so low that it would take about a million million million million million million million million million million million (1 with sixty-six zeros after it) to evaporate completely.”
[S.Hawking, A Brief History of Time (1988)]

Numeralscan be used for the sake of persuasion:“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've

Слайд 21Task 3 Numerals
“There’s an angry-looking man behind the end of

the bar in Costello’s and he’s saying to a customer,

I don’t have a tinker’s damn if you have ten pee haitch dees. I know more about Samuel Johnson than you know about your hand.”
[Francis McCourt, ‘Tis (1999)]
Task 3 Numerals“There’s an angry-looking man behind the end of the bar in Costello’s and he’s saying

Слайд 22Prepositions
the use of prepositions can be stylistically marked and reveal

the change in attitude to the subject matter:
“He was very

sorry that Dr.Channing, a man to whom he looked up - no, to say that he looked up to him would be to speak falsely, but a man whom he looked at with so much interest – should embrace such views.”
[English Traits by Ralph Waldo Emerson]
Prepositionsthe use of prepositions can be stylistically marked and reveal the change in attitude to the subject

Слайд 23Paradigmatic Morphology: Summary
Stylistic morphology focuses on the grammatical forms and

grammatical meanings that are peculiar to particular sublanguages, explicitly or

implicitly comparing them with the neutral ones common to all the sublanguages.
Paradigmatic morphology is concerned with the phenomenon of transposition within various word classes/parts of speech:
when a grammatical meaning which serves to indicate logical relations within a sentence gets transposed and acquires an emotive/expressive/stylistic connotation in a new context;

Paradigmatic Morphology: SummaryStylistic morphology focuses on the grammatical forms and grammatical meanings that are peculiar to particular

Слайд 24Paradigmatic Morphology: Summary
Paradigmatic morphology studies deviations in:
Nouns – number, case,

lexico-grammatical groups;
Gerunds - number, lexico-grammatical groups;
Verbs – tense and modality;

– comparative and superlative forms, lexico-grammatical groups (syntactical valency), substantivisation;
Paradigmatic Morphology:  SummaryParadigmatic morphology studies deviations in:Nouns – number, case, lexico-grammatical groups;Gerunds - number, lexico-grammatical groups;Verbs

Слайд 25Paradigmatic Morphology: Summary
Adverbs - acquisition of additional emotive or stylistic

connotations in the context through repetition or transposition;
Pronouns – the

case of personification and depersonification; the opposition “I-s/he”, “We-They”, the plurals of majesty and modesty;
Numerals - functions of exaggeration, persuasion, creating a symbolic meaning;
Articles – the use of indefinite and definite articles with proper nouns, gerunds, sentences, pronouns;
Prepositions – function of marking the attitude.

Paradigmatic Morphology:  SummaryAdverbs - acquisition of additional emotive or stylistic connotations in the context through repetition

Слайд 26Task 4 Paradigmatic Morphology
“…and what about hallo Nellie the Elephant

and good-bye Ella Fitzgerald and what about having to see

Paul’s mum and dad all the time because this would be their first grandchild <…>” [Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]
“It feels as though she and Paul have got stuck: stuck in their north London flat, stuck in their will-we-won’t-we childless state, stuck with the same friends and the same restaurants and jobs and things to do, and she cannot see what is going to free them, propel them into the next stage of their life together.”[Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]

Task 4 Paradigmatic Morphology“…and what about hallo Nellie the Elephant and good-bye Ella Fitzgerald and what about

Слайд 27Task 4 Paradigmatic Morphology
“‘And you’ll get used to the creaking’

‘I don’t want to get used to the creaking,’ Paul

screams. ‘Why should I get used to the creaking?’>
The man is right. They get used to the creaking. The get used to other things, too: cooking for three at dinner-time, and watching Brian slide down on his bottom until he can reach his steaming food <…>”
[Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]

Task 4 Paradigmatic Morphology“‘And you’ll get used to the creaking’ ‘I don’t want to get used to

Слайд 28Syntagmatic Morphology
deals with forms, functions and meanings of affix morphemes

which can be stylistically highlighted
often is based on the

principles of addition and repetition of affixes
Syntagmatic Morphologydeals with forms, functions and meanings of affix morphemes which can be stylistically highlighted often is

Слайд 29Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
diminutive suffixes enable the speaker to communicate his/her positive

or negative evaluation of a subject (caressing, jocular or pejorative):

I, too, attended Hell-ton and survived. And, no, at that time, I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling. I would go to the beach, and people would kick copies of Byron in my face.” [Dead Poets’ Society, a feature movie by Tom Schulman]

***-ling= a small, immature, or miniature version of what is denoted by the main stem.

Syntagmatic morphology: affixationdiminutive suffixes enable the speaker to communicate his/her positive or negative evaluation of a subject

Слайд 30Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
the suffix –ian/-ean means “like someone/smth” and usually conveys

positive or neutral connotations:

“I recognised the Mozartean technique in the


‘He described a Dantean scene when two 30 ft monsters fought to the death.’ [Oxford Dictionary]

Syntagmatic morphology: affixationthe suffix –ian/-ean means “like someone/smth” and usually conveys positive or neutral connotations:“I recognised the

Слайд 31Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
the suffix –ish can be evaluative:
baldish, dullish, biggish, indicating

tactful manner -
‘a biggish wart that should be removed’

as well as derogatory:
‘Her laughs are so mannish; slapping the table as she cackles loudly.’

Syntagmatic morphology: affixationthe suffix –ish can be evaluative:baldish, dullish, biggish, indicating tactful manner - ‘a biggish wart

Слайд 32Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
the suffix –esque indicates style, manner or distinctive character,

and is associated with exquisite elevated style, or the style

peculiar to the person mentioned, – Dantesque, Turneresque, Kafkaesque, Kafkaesqueness :
‘Turneresque sunset’ [Merriam-Webster]

‘He emerges from the horrors with a  Kafkaesque account of life in the Chinese jails.’ [www.dictionary.com]

Syntagmatic morphology: affixationthe suffix –esque indicates style, manner or distinctive character, and is associated with exquisite elevated

Слайд 33Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
the affixes –ard, -ster, -aster, -eer, are of negative

evaluation (and sometimes a half-affix –monger): drunkard, scandal-monger, black marketeer,


‘Many of the diamond dealers were black marketeers, working all sorts of deals.’ [Cambridge Dictionary]
Syntagmatic morphology: affixationthe affixes –ard, -ster, -aster, -eer, are of negative evaluation (and sometimes a half-affix –monger):

Слайд 34Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
the affix – ie can suggest a tender attitude

of the speaker:

“CHARTERIS (Comes beside Grace, and puts his

left hand caressingly round her neck.) You see, dearie, she won't look the situation in the face.”
[The Philanderer byGeorge Bernard Shaw]

Syntagmatic morphology: affixationthe affix – ie can suggest a tender attitude of the speaker: “CHARTERIS  (Comes

Слайд 35Syntagmatic morphology: affixation
the use of a number of affixes with one

word to lend the utterance a humorous effect:

‘F*** bastards, parents,’

Colin complained one Monday lunchtime. ‘You think they’re OK when you’re little, then you realise they’re just like …’
‘Henry VIII, Col?’ Adrian suggested. We were beginning to get used to his sense of irony; also to the fact that it might be turned against us as well. When teasing, or calling us to seriousness, he would address me as Anthony; Alex would become Alexander, and the unlengthenable Colin shortened to Col.
[Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending (2011)] 
***Reducing the name or lengthening it for the sake of emphasis – Alexander – Alex – stylistically marked

Syntagmatic morphology: affixationthe use of a number of affixes with one word to lend the utterance a

Слайд 36Syntagmatic morphology: parallelism and repetition
the repetition of morphemes serves to heighten

a particular idea in the extract:
“His father, an ineffectual, inarticulate

man with a taste for Byron and a habit of drowsing over the Encyclopedia Britannica,(…) hovered in the background of his family’s life, an unassertive figure with a face half-obliterated by lifeless, silky hair (…) ”
[F.Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise]
Syntagmatic morphology: parallelism and repetitionthe repetition of morphemes serves to heighten a particular idea in the extract:“His

Слайд 37Syntagmatic morphology: parallelism and repetition
“Player: It's what the actors do best.

They have to exploit whatever talent is given to them,

and their talent is dying. They can die heroically, comically, ironically, slowly, suddenly, disgustingly, charmingly or from a great height.”

[Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead by Stopppard, Tom (1967), p. 75.]
Syntagmatic morphology:  parallelism and repetition “Player: It's what the actors do best. They have to exploit whatever

Слайд 38Task 5 Syntagmatic Morphology
“She unchained, unbolted and unlocked the door.”

and Amory at quarter-back, exhorting in wild despair, making impossible

tackles, calling signals in a voice that had diminished to a hoarse, furious whisper <…> finally bruised and weary, but still elusive, circling an end, twisting, changing pace, straight-arming… falling behind the Groton goal with two men on his legs, in the only touch-down of the game.”[This Side of Paradise by F.S.Fitzgerald, p.31]
“I don’t want to burst, she thinks later. Bursting is hopeless, useless, a waste of time and energy. Bursting achieves nothing; it just makes you sit on roofs like a mad person.<…> Bursting s undignified, and never helps you get what you want.” [Nick Hornby, Faith (1993)]

Task 5 Syntagmatic Morphology“She unchained, unbolted and unlocked the door.”“… and Amory at quarter-back, exhorting in wild

Слайд 39Thank you for your attention


Thank you for your attention??

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