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Leonardo da Vinci

Biography Leonardo da Vinci was the well-known Italian painter, the skillful architect, the engineer, the technician, the scientific mathematician, the anatomist, the musician and the sculptor. He was born in 1452?

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Leonardo da Vinci
Famous people.

Leonardo da VinciFamous people.

Слайд 2Biography
Leonardo da Vinci was the well-known Italian painter, the

skillful architect, the engineer, the technician, the scientific mathematician, the

anatomist, the musician and the sculptor. He was born in 1452? In Vinci's small town.
Biography Leonardo da Vinci was the well-known Italian painter, the skillful architect, the engineer, the technician, the

Слайд 3Leonardo - artist
When he was 15 he began to

study to draw. His first Pictures were "Lady day", «Benua's

Madonna», «Worship of magicians».
Leonardo - artist When he was 15 he began to study to draw. His first Pictures were

Слайд 4The best pictures.
As its the best products consider:

«Worship of magicians», "Last Supper", «Sacred family», "Madonna Litti", "Mona-Liza".

The best pictures.  As its the best products consider: «Worship of magicians»,

Слайд 5Djakonda
In 1503 леонардо creates the well-known picture Djakonda. Assume

that under partret is an other picture.

Djakonda In 1503 леонардо creates the well-known picture Djakonda. Assume that under partret is an other picture.

Слайд 6Biography
In the beginning of 80th of XV century Leonardo moved

to Milan. In 1499 Leonardo lived in Venice, then in

Florence, in 1514 in Rome. In January, 1516 Leonardo da Vinci moved to France.
BiographyIn the beginning of 80th of XV century Leonardo moved to Milan. In 1499 Leonardo lived in

Слайд 7Leonardo – inventor.
He leaned anatomy, in mechanics, architecture,

creation of devices. He worked over the creation of the

flying machine, underwater bell, submarine.
Leonardo – inventor.  He leaned anatomy, in mechanics, architecture, creation of devices. He worked over the

Слайд 8Invention
The device with such screw should fly being screwed in

in air.

InventionThe device with such screw should fly being screwed in in air.

Слайд 9Vitruviansky person
The Vitruviansky person - the well-known artist

with inscriptions the executed Leonardo da Vinci approximately in 1490.

Vitruviansky person  The Vitruviansky person - the well-known artist with inscriptions the executed Leonardo da Vinci

Слайд 10Biography

Leonardo da Vinci was "versatile person".
Has died in 1519 in

lock Klu.

BiographyLeonardo da Vinci was

Слайд 11The end.

The end.

Слайд 12Final slide
Работа по английскому языку по теме знаменитые люди ученика

6 «В» класса Щукина Дениса.

Final slideРабота по английскому языку по теме знаменитые люди ученика 6 «В» класса Щукина Дениса.http://starat.narod.ru/pictures/davinci/biogr.htmhttp://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B8%20%D0%BE%20%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B4%D0%BE&stype=imagehttp://class-fizika.narod.ru/leo2.htm

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