Разделы презентаций

Lesson 1

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Lesson 1
In the Airport

Lesson 1 In the Airport

Слайд 2Luggage / Baggage

Luggage / Baggage

Слайд 3Plane Ticket

Plane Ticket

Слайд 4Boarding Gate

Boarding Gate

Слайд 5Hand Carry Bag

Hand Carry Bag

Слайд 6Taxi/ Car

Taxi/ Car

Слайд 7Passport


Слайд 8Boarding Pass

Boarding Pass

Слайд 9Fragile


Слайд 10Baggage Counter

Baggage Counter

Слайд 11Credit Card

Credit Card

Слайд 12Check - In

Check - In

Слайд 13Window Seat

Window Seat

Слайд 14Duty Free Shop

Duty Free Shop

Слайд 15Lesson 2: Duty Free Shop
Cash – Money
Visa – credit card

Souvenirs – Things or token for remembrance from a place

or someone.
Brand - a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.
Duty free - are retail outlets that are exempt from the payment of certain local or national taxes and duties
Lesson 2: Duty Free ShopCash – MoneyVisa – credit card CompanySouvenirs – Things or token for remembrance

Слайд 16Items that can be bought in duty free shop

Items that can be bought in duty free shop

Слайд 17Preposition of place
Beside – at the side of; next to.

The ball is beside the teddy bear.

Preposition of placeBeside – at the side of; next to.Example: The ball is beside the teddy bear.

Слайд 18Preposition of place
Between – At the middle

Example: The man is

between the two beds

Preposition of placeBetween – At the middleExample: The man is between the two beds

Слайд 19Preposition of Place
Behind – At the back of something

The bunny is behind the tree.

Preposition of PlaceBehind – At the back of something Example: The bunny is behind the tree.

Слайд 20Preposition of Place
Across - from one side to the other


Preposition of PlaceAcross - from one side to the otherExample:

Слайд 21Places in the airport
Lounge - a public room in a

hotel, theatre, or airport where you can sit and relax.

Places in the airportLounge - a public room in a hotel, theatre, or airport where you can

Слайд 22Places in the airport
Departure area - A departure is the act of

leaving somewhere. Think about an airport that has departure gates for outgoing


Places in the airportDeparture area - A departure is the act of leaving somewhere. Think about an airport that

Слайд 23Places in the airport
Boarding gate – It is the gate

where people pass by boarding the plane.

Places in the airportBoarding gate – It is the gate where people pass by boarding the plane.

Слайд 24Places in the airport
Information desk – A place in the

airport where you can ask information about flights’ departure and

Places in the airportInformation desk – A place in the airport where you can ask information about

Слайд 25Places in the airport
Check – in Counter – A place

where passengers register in hotel or airport.

Places in the airportCheck – in Counter – A place where passengers register in hotel or airport.

Слайд 26Places in the airport
Arrival Area – It is a place

where passengers go after leaving out the plane.

Places in the airportArrival Area – It is a place where passengers go after leaving out the

Слайд 27Places in the airport
Custom – A place where people in

charge will check passengers items for passengers’ safety.

Places in the airportCustom – A place where people in charge will check passengers items for passengers’

Слайд 28Places in the airport
Immigration – Immigration is a place where

passport and legal documents are to be checked by the

immigration officer.

Places in the airportImmigration – Immigration is a place where passport and legal documents are to be

Слайд 29Places in the Airport
Duty Free Shop – Shop where we

can buy items tax free.

Places in the AirportDuty Free Shop – Shop where we can buy items tax free.

Слайд 30Places in the airport
Food Court – Food stalls and

restaurants in the airport where people can eat while waiting.

Places in the airport Food Court – Food stalls and restaurants in the airport where people can

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