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Long Term Cooperation between Huawei and SPBU: Training of Highly Specialized

Long Term Cooperation between Huawei and SPBU: Long Term Training of Highly Specialized AI R&D ResearchersProject proposed by Dr. Ovanes PetrosianAbstract:The aim of the project is to train highly specialized AI R&D

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Слайд 1Long Term Cooperation between Huawei and SPBU:
Training of Highly Specialized

AI R&D Researchers

Long Term Cooperation between Huawei and SPBU:Training of Highly Specialized AI R&D Researchers

Слайд 2Long Term Cooperation between Huawei and SPBU:
Long Term Training

of Highly Specialized AI R&D Researchers

Project proposed by
Dr. Ovanes Petrosian


aim of the project is to train highly specialized AI R&D Researchers for Huawei Saint-Petersburg research center. Project will be located in Saint-Petersburg State university and will be oriented on the most outstanding students with high research capabilities. The result of the project in long perspective will be 15-20 PhD’s in AI with special skills for Huawei. The method of the project is to choose 15-20 most outstanding students and give them research topics for bachelor, master and PhD Thesis from Huawei, then to track them by quarterly reports in Huawei Saint-Petersburg research center (each student will have a KPI)

Result of Project:
The result of the project in long perspective will be 15-20 PhD’s in AI with special skills for Huawei.


Long Term Cooperation between Huawei and SPBU: 	Long Term Training of Highly Specialized AI R&D ResearchersProject proposed

Choose best outstanding students
Interview in Huawei project participation
Students become

members of the project
Students obtain Huawei scholarship
Students are given research

topics for bachelor/master/PhD thesis from Huawei

Project starts

Students are tracked by giving presentations:
every 2 weeks in SPBU to the Project team
every quarter in Huawei research center

Students defend bachelor thesis

Interview in Huawei for intern position

Students defend master thesis

Students defend
PhD thesis

Student continue participating in the project

Interview in Huawei for intern position

Interview in Huawei for high qualified position

Project stops

Student continue participating in the project

ROAD MAPChoose best outstanding studentsInterview in Huawei project participationStudents become members of the projectStudents obtain Huawei scholarshipStudents

Слайд 4謝謝你


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