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My Favourite Group

History RammsteinRammstein was founded by Richard Krypse in 1989. At that time he was very influenced by American music

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My Favourite Group

My Favourite GroupRAMMSTEIN

Слайд 2History Rammstein
Rammstein was founded by Richard Krypse in 1989. At

that time he was very influenced by American music

History   RammsteinRammstein was founded by Richard Krypse in 1989. At that time he was very

Слайд 3Name
Rammstein takes it`s name indirectly from the western German town

of Rammstein-Miesenbach, site of an airshow disaster in 1988.

NameRammstein takes it`s name indirectly from the western German town of Rammstein-Miesenbach, site of an airshow disaster

Слайд 4Rammstein members: Till Lidemann

Rammstein members: Till Lidemann

Слайд 5Richard Kruspe

Richard Kruspe

Слайд 6Paul Landers

Paul Landers

Слайд 7Oliver Riedel

Oliver Riedel

Слайд 8Christoph Schneider

Christoph Schneider

Слайд 9Christian Lorenz (Flake)

Christian Lorenz (Flake)

Слайд 10Style
Althought Rammstein is often generalosed as Dance Metal, it`s music

spans a variety of related styles, including hard rock, heavy

metal and electronic music with influences of punk rock and gothic rock
StyleAlthought Rammstein is often generalosed as Dance Metal, it`s music spans a variety of related styles, including

Слайд 11Interesting facts
Paul Landers in his childhood lived one year in

Nearly all of Rammstein`s songs are in German language but

also contain English And Russian choruses
Interesting factsPaul Landers in his childhood lived one year in russiaNearly all of Rammstein`s songs are in

Слайд 12Show
Rammstein has achieved particular fame for it`s hugely over-the-top satge

show using a lot of pyrotechnics that fans eventually coined

the motto “Other bands play, Rammstein burns!”
ShowRammstein has achieved particular fame for it`s hugely over-the-top satge show using a lot of pyrotechnics that

Слайд 13For example

For example

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