Разделы презентаций

My last purchase

My last purchase was lenses and a solution for themBecause I have poor eyesight, every three months, I buy new lenses, now I go in simple glasses, but sometimes I want

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My last purchase
The student of 1 course of group of

Modern Foreign Languages Tatyana Litvinkovich has executed

My last purchaseThe student of 1 course of group of Modern Foreign Languages Tatyana Litvinkovich has executed

Слайд 2My last purchase was lenses and a solution for them

I have poor eyesight, every three months, I buy new

lenses, now I go in simple glasses, but sometimes I want to feel what a sighted person feels, a ride on a carousel and see everything not vaguely, but clearly, without fear for тhat glasses will fall, because I'm in lenses.
My last purchase was lenses and a solution for themBecause I have poor eyesight, every three months,

Слайд 3sunglasses
I've been wearing eyeglasses since my childhood, and finally, after

buying the lenses, I had the opportunity to purchase sunglasses

sunglassesI've been wearing eyeglasses since my childhood, and finally, after buying the lenses, I had the opportunity

Слайд 4I bought my lenses and glasses at an optician's store

in the town of Baranovichi, a very convenient shop, as

it is close to the hostel, nice sellers, a wide selection of goods and a convenient schedule of work, I advise everyone.
I bought my lenses and glasses at an optician's store in the town of Baranovichi, a very

Слайд 5I really like wearing lenses, it's really comfortable, you can

not be afraid for something that will fall, you see

bright and cool colors, life acquires new colors, and it's also convenient, for example, in summer you can easily sunbathe the whole face and swim in the lake seeing All around clearly, or in the winter, the lenses do not fog like glasses, I do not regret my purchases.
I really like wearing lenses, it's really comfortable, you can not be afraid for something that will

Слайд 6Thanks for attention, have a nice day)

Thanks for attention, have a nice day)

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