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The aim of my project: - to tell you about my family and me - to show my achievements

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Слайд 2The aim of my project: - to tell you about my

family and me - to show my achievements

The aim of my project:  - to tell you about my   family and me

Слайд 3Who am I?
Hello! It’s me.
My name is Elina.
My friends

call me Elis.
I am tall and slim.
I am 9.
I live

in Kirov.

Who am I? Hello! It’s me.My name is Elina. My friends call me Elis.I am tall and

Слайд 4Look! Is my family really happy?

I think, it is.

We like to walk, watch TV, read books, skate and play games together.
We are a happy family.

Look! Is my family really happy?

Слайд 5What are my parents?
My mother is the best economist. She

works in the bank. She is very kind, clever and

nice. She likes to cook and read books.
My father is the best director of the firm. He is a good sportsman. He likes to play football, skate and play with me.

What are my parents?My mother is the best economist. She works in the bank. She is very

Слайд 6Do you like to study?

Of course, I do.

I study at Natural Science Lyceum.
I am a pupil of the 3-d form.
I study English, Russian,
Maths, Science, PE, Arts,
Music and Drama.
I get only excellent marks.
I take part in all competitions
and events too.
I have got diplomas for my
lyceum’s activities.

Do you like to study?

Слайд 7What is your favourite lesson?
My favourite lesson is English.
We read

and write, speak English,
play games.
We make

projects too.
I am good at English.
My English teacher is
Nina Nikolayevna Vostrikova.
She is kind and clever.
I like my English teacher and her lessons.
I want to know English very well.
What is your favourite lesson?My favourite lesson is English.We read and write, speak English,   play

Слайд 8What can I do?
I can paint.
I can skate.
I can ride

a bike.
I can sing songs.
I can play the piano.
I can

grow flowers.
I can play computer games.
What can I do?I can paint.I can skate.I can ride a bike.I can sing songs.I can play

Слайд 9What do I like?
I like to swim. It is my

I like to swim in the river, sea

in summer.
I like to swim in the swimming pool in winter .
I got the first prize in swimming when I was 6.
What do I like?I like to swim. It is my hobby.I like to swim in the river,

Слайд 10Do you like to dance?

- I do.

I like to dance.
I go to dance club.
I’ve got the first prize in dance competition.

Do you like to dance?

Слайд 11Have you got a pet?

- I have.

I have got a rabbit.
It’s name is Kiko.
It is short and plump.
He is red and grey.
He is happy.
Helikes to run and eat carrots.
My friends and I want to play with him.
I like my rabbit
very much.

Have you got a pet?

Слайд 12 Can you see my best

This is Masha.
She is 9.
She has got dark hair, small

nose and blue eyes.
She is very nice.
She likes to sing song, dance and play the piano.

My friend is Timofei.
He is 9 too.
He has got fair hair and nice eyes.
He likes to play football, swim, dance, play computer games and ride a bike.

I like my friends. They help me. We are happy.
They are my best friends in the world!

Can you see my best      friends?This is Masha.She is 9.She has

Слайд 13Do you make friends with me?
Phone me: 8-919-524-21-24

My address is:

610046, Kirov, 56A October Avenue, flat 19.

Do you make friends with me?Phone me: 8-919-524-21-24My address is: 610046, Kirov, 56A October Avenue, flat 19.

Слайд 14
Special thanks

to my English teacher
Nina Nikolayevna

Vostrikova and my parents.

The project is done by Zykina Elina,
the pupil of the 3-d form.

Natural Science Lyceum

Thank you for attention!

Good bye!

Special thanks to my English teacher

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