We like to walk, watch TV, read books, skate and play games together.
We are a happy family.
I study at Natural Science Lyceum.
I am a pupil of the 3-d form.
I study English, Russian,
Maths, Science, PE, Arts,
Music and Drama.
I get only excellent marks.
I take part in all competitions
and events too.
I have got diplomas for my
lyceum’s activities.
I like to dance.
I go to dance club.
I’ve got the first prize in dance competition.
I have got a rabbit.
It’s name is Kiko.
It is short and plump.
He is red and grey.
He is happy.
Helikes to run and eat carrots.
My friends and I want to play with him.
I like my rabbit
very much.
My friend is Timofei.
He is 9 too.
He has got fair hair and nice eyes.
He likes to play football, swim, dance, play computer games and ride a bike.
I like my friends. They help me. We are happy.
They are my best friends in the world!
Thank you for attention!
Good bye!
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