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New York 1 teacher switcher

New York is the largest city in the USA and one of the largest cities in the world. It is situated at the mouth of the

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Слайд 1

Слайд 2 New York is the largest

city in the USA and one of the largest cities

in the world. It is situated at the mouth of the deep Hudson River, so it has always been the gateway to the USA. People who come to NY
by ship see the Statue of
Liberty first. It is the
symbol of NY and freedom
for people all over the world.
NY consists of five
5-Staten Island (Richmond)
New York is the largest city in the USA and one of

Слайд 3 The centre of NY

is Manhattan Island. Here you can see numerous skyscrapers which

house banks and offices of American business: the Empire State Building, Rockfeller Centre, The United Nations Building, Central Park, Times Square, Broadway.
The centre of NY is Manhattan Island. Here you can see

Слайд 4The Empire State Building
The United Nations Building
Rockfeller Centre
Guggenhaim Museum of

The Empire State BuildingThe United Nations BuildingRockfeller CentreGuggenhaim Museum of Art

Слайд 5 Wall Street in Manhattan is the

financial heart of the USA and the most important banking

centre in the world.
Wall Street in Manhattan is the financial heart of the USA and the

Слайд 6Broadway is the symbol of American theatre

Broadway is the symbol of American theatre

Слайд 7Seventh Avenue is a shopping centre of NY. The shops

here are luxurious.

Seventh Avenue is a shopping centre of NY. The shops here are luxurious.

Слайд 8 The crossing of Broadway and Seventh

Avenue forms world-famous Times Square, where New Year’s Eve celebrations

always take place.
The crossing of Broadway and Seventh Avenue forms world-famous Times Square, where New

Слайд 9 NY is often called the cultural capital

of the USA. There are more than 800 museums in

NY. One of the best known is the Metropolitan Museum of Art
NY is often called the cultural capital of the USA. There are more than

Слайд 10Park Avenue is a symbol of luxury and fashion because

of its large expensive apartment houses.

Park Avenue is a symbol of luxury and fashion because of its large expensive apartment houses.

Слайд 11Central Park is called «the lungs of NY». There are

lakes, nice green avenues, two skating rinks, many sports grounds

and playgrounds for children, and the Zoo

in the park. It is surrounded with a 10km-long trek which is very popular with bikers, roller-skaters and joggers.

Central Park is called «the lungs of NY». There are lakes, nice green avenues, two skating rinks,

Слайд 12 Bronx is the northern borough of

NY. Its population is multinational. Hip-hop and rap originated in

The largest NY’s ZOO and Yankee Stadium are also in Bronx.
Bronx is the northern borough of NY. Its population is multinational. Hip-hop and

Слайд 13 Queens is the largest NY’s borough. In

the past there were small towns and settlements founded by

German immigrants here. Now its residents are well-to-do new yorkers.
Queens is the largest NY’s borough. In the past there were small towns and

Слайд 14 Brooklyn is situated on the Long

Island. Most of immigrants from Russia live here, in Brighton

Beach which is called “American Russia”.
In the 19th century Brooklyn was a separate big city.
The most popular place in Brooklyn is Esplanade where new yorkers like to spend their free time.
Brooklyn is situated on the Long Island. Most of immigrants from Russia live

Слайд 15 Staten Island has fewer residents than other

NY’s boroughs. It is situated on the island of Staten.

Mostly well-to-do white new yorkers live here.
Staten Island has fewer residents than other NY’s boroughs. It is situated on the

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