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Nika Viper

BiographyNika Viper.Date birth: 21 on may 1988 year (on other data 21 July 1987 year).Age: 30 years.Height and weight: 178 cm, 56 kg.The parameters of the body: 91/60/88.Breast size: not less

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Nika Viper
Popular blogger in instagram, model, TV presenter, actress.

Nika ViperPopular blogger in instagram, model, TV presenter, actress.

Слайд 2Biography
Nika Viper.
Date birth: 21 on may 1988 year (on other

data 21 July 1987 year).Age: 30 years.Height and weight: 178

cm, 56 kg.The parameters of the body: 91/60/88.Breast size: not less than the third size (plastic)Family: mother and father from Novosibirsk, divorced, when daughters was year.Homeland: Novosibirsk, Russia.Zodiac sign: Gemini.Activities: popular blogger in instagram, model, TV presenter, actress.Marital status: never married, no children.
BiographyNika Viper.Date birth: 21 on may 1988 year (on other data 21 July 1987 year).Age: 30 years.Height

Слайд 3Nika was able to achieve popularity thanks to its looks.

Becoming a famous model Nika Viper wanted more. She decided

to direct her artistry and charisma in the right and profitable direction-in blogging. The girl shoots interesting short videos, vines, on popular topics, for example, about relationships, pretentious girls and of course about fashion, what she perfectly understands. My inspiration person is model and blogger Nika Viper. I follow her blog on instagram, I like the looks of the model, her manner of communication, and what she is .
Nika was able to achieve popularity thanks to its looks. Becoming a famous model Nika Viper wanted

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