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Organizational culture

Robbins suggests considering an organizational culture based on the ten characteristics, appreciating the most in the organization

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Organizational culture

Organizational culture

Слайд 2Robbins suggests considering an organizational culture based on the ten

characteristics, appreciating the most in the organization

Robbins suggests considering an organizational culture based on the ten characteristics, appreciating the most in the organization

Слайд 3Organizational culture is:     

There are organizational culture:

Organizational culture is:      explicit Implicit There are organizational culture:extraverted introvert

Слайд 4The purpose of the organizational

The purpose of the organizational

Слайд 5Organizational culture performs a variety of functions

Organizational culture performs a variety of functions

Слайд 6The attributes of the organizational culture

The attributes of the organizational culture

Слайд 7Who influences the organizational culture?
  head identity country organization location

Who influences the organizational culture?   head identity country organization location

Слайд 8Ouchi singled identified three main types of organizational cultures

Ouchi singled identified three main types of organizational cultures

Слайд 9Masculinity - femininity
Strong masculine culture means persistence, dominance and independence.

Strong feminine culture indicates interdependence, compassion and emotional judgments.

Masculinity - femininityStrong masculine culture means persistence, dominance and independence. Strong feminine culture indicates interdependence, compassion and

Слайд 10Individualism - collectivism
Individualism focuses on the achievement of individual goals,

needs and successes. When collectivism emphasizes requests, satisfaction and performance

Individualism - collectivism Individualism focuses on the achievement of individual goals, needs and successes. When collectivism emphasizes

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