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PLANIntroduction.The formation of the passive voice.The use of the passive voice.The use of simple tenses in the passive.The use of continuous tenses in the passive.The use of perfect tenses in the

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Слайд 3PLAN
The formation of the passive voice.
The use of the passive

The use of simple tenses in the passive.
The use of

continuous tenses in the passive.
The use of perfect tenses in the passive.
Ways of translating the passive voice into Ukrainian.
PLANIntroduction.The formation of the passive voice.The use of the passive voice.The use of simple tenses in the

Слайд 41. Introduction.
Voice is a grammatical category of the verb which

indicates the relation between an action and its agent.

English verb

has two voices:
the Active Voice and
the Passive Voice.
1. Introduction.Voice is a grammatical category of the verb which indicates the relation between an action and

Слайд 5Can you recognize the tense in these sentences?
They give us

new books at the beginning of every year.
They have been

publishing these books for ten years.

They are discussing the new rules at the highest level.

The police caught the thieves last night.

The earthquake has destroyed hundreds of houses.

Have they cleaned the room yet?

They will interview the potential candidate next week.

They didn't see Mona this morning.

Can you recognize the tense in these sentences?They give us new books at the beginning of every

Слайд 6Can you recognize the tense in these sentences?
While the mechanic

was fixing my car at the workshop
yesterday, someone broke

the windscreen.

The instructor had notified the students of the new
procedures before he asked them to write their rough drafts.

Can you recognize the tense in these sentences?While the mechanic was fixing my car at the workshop

Слайд 71. Introduction.
The object of an active verb corresponds to the

subject of a passive verb.

Shakespeare wrote Romeo & Juliette.
Romeo &

Juliette was written by Shakespeare.
1. Introduction.The object of an active verb corresponds to the subject of a passive verb.Shakespeare wrote Romeo

Слайд 8 The object of an active verb corresponds to the

subject of a passive verb. = = The indirect object in

an active sentence becomes the subject in the passive sentence.)

is done by


X gave Y a present.

Y was given a present (by X)

The object of an active verb corresponds to the subject of a passive verb. =

Слайд 92. The formation of the passive voice.
The Passive Voice

formed by means of
the auxiliary verb to be in

the required tense and
Participle II of the notional verb.

The passive =
to be + Participle II
2. The formation of the passive voice.The Passive Voice is formed by means of the auxiliary verb

Слайд 102. The formation of the passive voice.

The Future Continuous and

all Perfect-Continuous tenses are not used in the passive.

2. The formation of the passive voice.!!!The Future Continuous and all Perfect-Continuous tenses are not used in

Слайд 113. The use of the passive voice.
The Passive Voice tends

to be used in preference to the Active Voice:
when the

doer of the action is unknown;
when the main interest is on the action itself;
when the doer of the action is obvious;
when the agent is not mentioned for some special reason;
in official instructions.

3. The use of the passive voice.The Passive Voice tends to be used in preference to the

Слайд 124. The use of simple tenses in the passive.
Present Simple

Passive expresses habitual or repeated actions.

My car is serviced regularly.

4. The use of simple tenses in the passive.Present Simple Passive expresses habitual or repeated actions.My car

Слайд 134. The use of simple tenses in the passive.
Past Simple

Passive expresses a finished action in the past.

America was discovered

by Christopher Columbus.
4. The use of simple tenses in the passive.Past Simple Passive expresses a finished action in the

Слайд 144. The use of simple tenses in the passive.
Future Simple

Passive expresses a future action.

She will be invited to the

4. The use of simple tenses in the passive.Future Simple Passive expresses a future action.She will be

Слайд 155. The use of continuous tenses in the passive.
Present Continuous

Passive expresses actions in progress at the present moment or

in the present period.

The question is being discussed now.
5. The use of continuous tenses in the passive.Present Continuous Passive expresses actions in progress at the

Слайд 165. The use of continuous tenses in the passive.
Past Continuous

Passive expresses actions in progress at a definite moment in

the past.

The bike was being repaired when I came.
5. The use of continuous tenses in the passive.Past Continuous Passive expresses actions in progress at a

Слайд 176. The use of perfect tenses in the passive.
Present Perfect

Passive expresses completed actions connected with the present situation.

The documents

have been signed.
6. The use of perfect tenses in the passive.Present Perfect Passive expresses completed actions connected with the

Слайд 186. The use of perfect tenses in the passive.
Past Perfect

Passive expresses actions completed before a definite moment in the


The tickets had been sold by that time.
6. The use of perfect tenses in the passive.Past Perfect Passive expresses actions completed before a definite

Слайд 196. The use of perfect tenses in the passive.
Future Perfect

Passive expresses actions completed before a definite moment in the


The story will have been read by the time you come back.
6. The use of perfect tenses in the passive.Future Perfect Passive expresses actions completed before a definite

Слайд 20Future-Indefinite-in-the-Past Passive Future-Perfect-in-the-Past Passive

are formed in the same way as Future

Indefinite and Future Perfect Passive, but auxiliary verbs should and

would are used instead of shall/will.

Future-Indefinite-in-the-Past Passive Future-Perfect-in-the-Past Passiveare formed in the same way as Future Indefinite and Future Perfect Passive, but

Слайд 217. Ways of translating the passive voice into Ukrainian.
The passive

verb forms can be translated into Ukrainian:
by verbs with the

particle –ся (сь);
by combinations of the verb бути with Past Participle Passive or predicative verbal forms ending in –но, -то;
7. Ways of translating the passive voice into Ukrainian.The passive verb forms can be translated into Ukrainian:by

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