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Portfolio Construction

Satisfying vs optimalSimple rules are often far more robust than complicated ”optimal” alternativesRules of thumb work surprisingly well in a variety of fields (Haldane, 2012)Reasons:“collecting and processing the information necessary for

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Слайд 1 Portfolio Construction
Mikhail Kamrotov
Data Analysis in Economics and Finance

Portfolio ConstructionMikhail KamrotovData Analysis in Economics and Finance

Слайд 2Satisfying vs optimal
Simple rules are often far more robust than

complicated ”optimal” alternatives
Rules of thumb work surprisingly well in a

variety of fields (Haldane, 2012)
“collecting and processing the information necessary for complex decision-making is costly”
“fully defining future states of the world, and probability‑weighting them, is beyond anyone’s cognitive limits”
Oversimplifying things is obviously bad as well

Satisfying vs optimalSimple rules are often far more robust than complicated ”optimal” alternativesRules of thumb work surprisingly

Слайд 3Simplicity in portfolio theory
“One should always divide his wealth into

three parts: a third in land, a third in merchandise,

and a third ready to hand.”
Source: Rabbi Isaac bar Aha, Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Baba Mezi’a, folio 42a, 4th century
Empirically valid statement
Naïve, equal-weight portfolio frequently delivers better results than “optimal” allocation strategies (DeMiguel, 2005)
Let’s test this simple allocation strategy!

Simplicity in portfolio theory“One should always divide his wealth into three parts: a third in land, a

Слайд 4Steps of strategy evaluation
Formally define rules for decision-making
Collect data and

clean it
Simulate trading process
Compare the results to the benchmark
Compute performance

Steps of strategy evaluationFormally define rules for decision-makingCollect data and clean itSimulate trading processCompare the results to

Слайд 5Decision-making rules
Distribute the initial capital equally between N stocks
Initial capital:

10 stocks
You invest $100 in each stock and stay away

from the market for a while
Looks simple!
Decision-making rulesDistribute the initial capital equally between N stocksExample:Initial capital: $100010 stocksYou invest $100 in each stock

Слайд 6Not so simple in fact
How to choose N stocks (assets)

to invest in?
Infinite possible solutions:
All US stocks
All stocks in the

All stocks, bonds, currencies, real estate – everything
Only stocks that satisfy specific conditions (most liquid stocks, stocks of the largest companies, stocks with low P/E ratio, etc.)
Result crucially depends on the answer
Universe of securities is a set of stocks (assets) you’re focusing on

Not so simple in factHow to choose N stocks (assets) to invest in?Infinite possible solutions:All US stocksAll

Слайд 7Universe of securities
We will look at largest US companies by

market capitalization
Capitalization = Number of shares * Price of one

Components of Russell 1000
Pay attention to the methodology of index (sections 6.1.1 and 6.10.1 in Russell_methodology.pdf)
Russell 1000 defines universe of ~1000 largest US companies
They account for ~90% of total market capitalization
You can try S&P 500 and DJIA as well, or apply any custom filter: dividends, P/E, most volatile stocks, etc.

Universe of securitiesWe will look at largest US companies by market capitalizationCapitalization = Number of shares *

Слайд 8Data collection
We need daily close prices for all Russell 1000

Yahoo! Finance is one of the options
Yahoo! close prices are

now split adjusted
Split example:
In June 2014 Apple shares were at ~$700 per share
A 7-to-1 split was implemented by Apple in June
Each stock you owned turned into 7 stocks and the price went down to ~$100
Split adjusted prices mean that all prices before the split are divided by 7
Data collectionWe need daily close prices for all Russell 1000 componentsYahoo! Finance is one of the optionsYahoo!

Слайд 9Simulate trading process

Simulate trading process

Слайд 10Compare result with the benchmark

Compare result with the benchmark

Слайд 11Rebalancing
Values of the allocations change in time
Eventually the portfolio becomes

Periodic rebalancing is needed
by any specific rule

Source: https://hackernoon.com

RebalancingValues of the allocations change in timeEventually the portfolio becomes imbalancedPeriodic rebalancing is neededdailyweeklymonthlyby any specific ruleSource:

Слайд 12Backtest pitfalls
Survivorship bias
we picked only companies that didn’t go bankrupt

they were eventually included in Russell 1000 – we picked

the best ones
No trading costs
Trading on close prices is impossible
Stocks are not sold in fractions
See “A Practitioner’s Guide to Assessing Strategies and Avoiding Pitfalls” and chapter 3 of “Successful Algorithmic Trading” (M. Halls-Moore, 2015) for advanced details
Backtest pitfallsSurvivorship biaswe picked only companies that didn’t go bankruptmoreover, they were eventually included in Russell 1000

Слайд 13Measures of risk and return
Standard deviation

Measures of risk and returnMeanVarianceStandard deviationCovarianceCorrelation

Слайд 14Variance and standard deviation

Variance and standard deviation

Слайд 15Covariance and correlation
Diversification implies distributing investments between different assets
“Don’t put

all your eggs in one basket”
Investing in 1000 similar stocks

does not spread your risks
Covariance and correlation measure relationship between variables (assets)

Covariance and correlationDiversification implies distributing investments between different assets“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”Investing in

Слайд 16Covariance


Слайд 17Correlation


Слайд 18Spurious correlation
Source: http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations

Spurious correlationSource: http://www.tylervigen.com/spurious-correlations

Слайд 19Covariance matrix
Is used to construct a diversified portfolio
Shows covariances for

all possible pairs of assets
Covariance matrix is symmetric
The diagonal elements

contain the variances
R automatically computes covariance matrix, when cov() is applied to a matrix or a data frame

Covariance matrixIs used to construct a diversified portfolioShows covariances for all possible pairs of assetsCovariance matrix is

Слайд 20Sharpe Ratio

Sharpe Ratio

Слайд 21Time dependence of the SR

Time dependence of the SR

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