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Practical Phonetics 19 th November

Task2 . (Portfolio) Read the following sentences as 1) instructions and as 2) questions: (Use GDSS+LF, GDSS+ LR ) Put these socks in the box.Put it on top of the clock.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Practical Phonetics 19th November
Task 10. (Portfolio)Read the chains

Bean bin

ben ban bun barn
Beat bit bet bat but Bart

bid bed bad bud bard
Peak pick peck pack Puck park
Questions for discussion :
1) What is the difference between «voiced» and
2) What is the differencce between «fortis» and «lenis»
Practical Phonetics 19th November Task 10. (Portfolio)Read the chains Bean bin ben ban bun barnBeat bit bet

Слайд 2Task2 . (Portfolio)

Read the following sentences as 1) instructions

and as 2) questions: (Use GDSS+LF, GDSS+ LR )


these socks in the box.
Put it on top of the clock.
Make the coffee hot.
Go to the hospital.
See a doctor.

Variant 2:
Don't put these socks in the box.

Task2 . (Portfolio) Read the following sentences as 1) instructions and as 2) questions: (Use GDSS+LF, GDSS+

Слайд 3Task 12.
Make up short dialogues and pronounce the response

with surprise. Use HWR.
I've put the ball in the

drawer. In the drawer?
I'm going to buy a horse.
You ought to get up at four in the morning.
I saw George when I was in New York.
It's too warm to go walking.
Task 12. Make up short dialogues and pronounce the response with surprise. Use HWR. I've put the

Слайд 4Dialogue 9.
Practice intonation patterns.

Dialogue 9. Practice intonation patterns.

Слайд 5Dialogue 10.
Practice the intonation patterns.

Task13. Portfolio. Ask tag

questions, expecting Yes :
He couldn't play football.
You couldn't

cook a cake without sugar.
You wouldn't like to meet a bull.
He shouldn't put good books on the cooker.
He shouldn't look at that woman.
You couldn't cook a book.
Dialogue 10. Practice the intonation patterns. Task13. Portfolio. Ask tag questions, expecting Yes : He couldn't play

Слайд 6Introducing a new unut - 11

Introducing a new unut - 11

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