Разделы презентаций

Present Perfect Simple X Present Perfect Continuous

2. He has run the marathon for charity. What’s the difference? Match the sentences to the pictures. 1. He has been running the marathon for charity. ( ) (

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Present Perfect Simple X Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Simple X Present Perfect  Continuous

Слайд 22. He has run the marathon for charity.
What’s the

difference? Match the sentences to the pictures.
1. He has

been running the marathon for charity.

( )

( )

2. He has run the marathon for charity. What’s the difference? Match the sentences to the pictures.

Слайд 32. He has run the marathon for charity.
What’s the

difference? Match the sentences to the pictures.
1. He has

been running the marathon for charity.



He ran the marathon some time in the past.

He has just finished running and you can still see some effects, he’s out of breath.

2. He has run the marathon for charity. What’s the difference? Match the sentences to the pictures.

Слайд 42. He has run the marathon for charity.
Present Perfect

Is it in the past?
Is he still running?

we know exactly
when he ran?
Is it recent?



He ran the marathon some time in the past.




2. He has run the marathon for charity. Present Perfect Simple. Is it in the past? Is

Слайд 5Is it on the past?
Is he running now?
Did he stop

running short time ago?

Present Perfect Continuous
1. He has been

running the marathon for charity.


He has just finished running and you can still see some effects, he’s out of breath.




Is it on the past?Is he running now?Did he stop running short time ago? Present Perfect Continuous1.

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