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Psychology’s tools in a medium

Сontents do we speak today?IntroductionWhat is this medium?Psychology and its major branches in advertising.Where does psychology hid in medium?Emotion and you Images faster than a text STOP logos

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Слайд 1Psychology’s tools in a medium
Мгуп им. Ивана федорова
Институт коммуникаций

и медиа-бизнеса
Группа Дррб2-1 (вррб2-1)
Студентка: Пелевина Татьяна
Научный руководитель: Самоделова Е.В

Psychology’s tools in a medium Мгуп им. Ивана федороваИнститут коммуникаций и медиа-бизнеса Группа Дррб2-1 (вррб2-1)Студентка: Пелевина ТатьянаНаучный

Слайд 2Сontents do we speak today?
What is this medium?
Psychology and its

major branches in advertising.
Where does psychology hid in medium?
Emotion and

Images faster than a text
STOP logos
Сontents do we speak today?IntroductionWhat is this medium?Psychology and its major branches in advertising.Where does psychology hid

Слайд 3Introduction
It was:

Marketers and advertisers are on the other hand, have

spent over a century throwing spaghetti at the wall and

hoping it will stick.


Marketers and advertisers is now transcending into a data-driven field. Now psychology and analysis is important in advertising. Today we don’t “throw spaghetti at the wall and hope it will stick.”

IntroductionIt was:Marketers and advertisers are on the other hand, have spent over a century throwing spaghetti at

Слайд 4What is this medium
«The medium is the message» - Marshall

Message can't be without a medium, but medium and

message aren’t equal.

A medium is a tool to transfer message. Medium for speaking is sound waves. One object can has a lot of media. They are placed on different levels, because they don’t contradict to each other. For example, books.

language, which is written

author who wrote

pictures, tables, graphs in book


What is this medium«The medium is the message» - Marshall McLuhan Message can't be without a medium,

Слайд 5Psychology and its major branches in advertising.
Cognitive: Studies the “unseen”

of mental processes including memory, perception, sensation, problem solving, motivation,

and learning.

Evolutionary: Studies how evolutionary processes influence human thinking and behavior.

Social: Investigates how the social presence of others and society as a whole impact human thinking and behavior.

Neuropsychology: Looks at how thinking and behavior are influenced by the biological structure of the brain.

Behavioral: Focuses on the study of observable mental processes and learning from the environment.

Psychology and its major branches in advertising. Cognitive: Studies the “unseen” of mental processes including memory, perception,

Слайд 6Where does psychology hide in medium? Everywhere!
Japan and calligraphy

Church and the Bible
emotions and situations
emotions and words
Medium has

quality and some benefits, that cause people’s reaction. This is emotion, feeling, memory, desire or another reaction. Psychology examines and analyzes this reaction and after that uses it in different areas.
Where does psychology hide in medium? Everywhere! Association: Japan and calligraphyAssociation: Church and the BibleAssociation:emotions and situationsAssociation:emotions

Слайд 7Brainteaser
What do Kim Kardashian’s backside and the Ice Bucket Challenge

have in common?

BrainteaserWhat do Kim Kardashian’s backside and the Ice Bucket Challenge have in common??

Слайд 8Emotion Plays a Big Role
For both positive and negative emotions

emotional complex worked to multiply the effect. This means that

the content was more viral when positive emotions were paired with surprise or amusement, and negative emotions had a multiplying effect when paired with empathy.











Emotion Plays a Big RoleFor both positive and negative emotions emotional complex worked to multiply the effect.

Слайд 9Images faster than a text
Human senses are the bridge

between our brain and the world. Moreover, visual information is

processed 60,000 times faster in the brain than a text. Using visual content in campaigns means that your message gets processed faster, which is critical in a hyper-speed online world.


Maslow studied what he called exemplary people such as Albert Einstein, Jane Addams, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Frederick Douglass rather than mentally ill or neurotic people, writing that "the study of crippled, stunted, immature, and unhealthy specimens can yield only a cripple psychology and a cripple philosophy."

Images faster than a text Human senses are the bridge between our brain and the world. Moreover,

Слайд 10STOP logos!
Scientists found interesting and noteworthy things: out of thousands

of reactions, intrusive or prominent brand logos turn viewers away

even for well-known and favorable brands. The reason why: they form what the researchers describe as an “unconscious aversion.”
STOP logos!Scientists found interesting and noteworthy things: out of thousands of reactions, intrusive or prominent brand logos

Слайд 11Thank you

Thank you

Слайд 12Made on the basis of article:



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