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Restaurant KRYP IN

HISTORY.Priest Street is a small, narrow street. It runs inside Stockholm's oldest city wall that once surrounded the old town and the tableland has its original route from the short end north

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Слайд 1Restaurant «KRYP IN»
Made:student group 3TO-438
Vladislav Degtyarev
Checked: Dolgopolova T.V.

Restaurant «KRYP IN»Made:student group 3TO-438 Vladislav DegtyarevChecked: Dolgopolova T.V.

Priest Street is a small, narrow street. It runs inside Stockholm's

oldest city wall that once surrounded the old town and

the tableland has its original route from the short end north of Storkyrkobriken to Österlånggatan.
The winds in the western part of the old town, and extends along Stockholm's first defensive wall. 
Priest Street is the street in the old town which more than most have retained their medieval atmosphere. It has hardly changed since the Middle Ages.

HISTORY.Priest Street is a small, narrow street. It runs inside Stockholm's oldest city wall that once surrounded the

Слайд 3The only two openings to Prästgatan is Kåkbrinken in the

north and the south German brink. The north of Priest Street

used to be called Stenberg Alley, to Count Antonius von Steinberg had lived there. The southern part was called Hell's Alley, to the executioner lived there. They say you could hear the screams from the people that the executioner had executed when they passed his house.
The only two openings to Prästgatan is Kåkbrinken in the north and the south German brink. The north

Слайд 4At the corner between Kåkbrinken and Priest Street is a

rune stone walled in house foundation and a cannon barrel

in hushörnet.The rune stone says: Torsten and Frögunn ordered the stone after his son. Frögunn is a pagan woman's name and the stone is believed to be from the 1000's, carved by a runhuggarmästare from Upland. The stone has probably come as a building material. Was it originally stood, nobody knows anymore. Gun barrel was placed here sometime in the 1600s as corner protection against the big wagons began serving the narrow streets.
On Prästgatan 78 born artist Carl Larsson May 28, 1853. The sign on the front that says this was put there in 1920 by Stockholm Gillet.

At the corner between Kåkbrinken and Priest Street is a rune stone walled in house foundation and

Слайд 5
Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. to

11:00 p.m.
Saturday 12:30 to 23:00

Sunday 12:30 to 23:00

On the weekend served weekend lunch from 12:30 to 16:00

BUSINESS HOURS    Monday - Friday 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.   Saturday 12:30 to

Restaurant Creep In
For reservation please call  Tel: 08-20

88 41
We makes reservations for parties of

up to a maximum of 6 people. 

Prästgatan 17  111 29 Stockholm


CONTACT.Restaurant Creep In    For reservation please call  Tel: 08-20 88 41   We makes

Слайд 7Menu.


Слайд 8Main course

Main course

Слайд 9Desserts


Слайд 10The end.

The end.

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