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Russian people national traits

They Love Being HospitableRussians are renowned for their hospitality. They love inviting guests and are happy to visit their friends and acquaintances themselves. Generously served table is the main feature of

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Слайд 1Russian people national traits
Made by Malykh Grigoriy

Russian people national traitsMade by Malykh Grigoriy

Слайд 2They Love Being Hospitable
Russians are renowned for their hospitality. They

love inviting guests and are happy to visit their friends

and acquaintances themselves. Generously served table is the main feature of such visits.
They Love Being HospitableRussians are renowned for their hospitality. They love inviting guests and are happy to

Слайд 3Don't Go Visiting without a Gift
Russians don't visit friends and

family unless they bring gifts. Even when you are invited

to a modest meeting of friends and not some grand birthday party, you cannot arrive empty-handed. This may be a cake, candies, a bottle of wine, or a chocolate bar for the youngest family members. In fact, the gift itself is not so important. You just need to have one.
Don't Go Visiting without a GiftRussians don't visit friends and family unless they bring gifts. Even when

Слайд 4Russians Value Real Friendship
Friendship is a very important thing in

the lives of Russians. A sincere friend might be valued

higher than a blood relative.
Russians Value Real FriendshipFriendship is a very important thing in the lives of Russians. A sincere friend

Слайд 5Russians Value Women
The world knows that Russia is a country

of the most beautiful women. Natalia Vodyanova, Maria Sharapova, Anna

Kournikova, and many more Russian celebrities are living proof of this.
Russians Value WomenThe world knows that Russia is a country of the most beautiful women. Natalia Vodyanova,

Слайд 6Russians Love Jokes
Russians are generally very cheerful people. They love

joking, pulling each other's leg, and telling funny stories. They

value good humour and satire and are capable of joking at their own expense.
Russians Love JokesRussians are generally very cheerful people. They love joking, pulling each other's leg, and telling

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