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Russia’s Charity Profile

Plan:History of charity in RussiaDistinguished charity activistsModern charity trends

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Russia’s Charity Profile
Guzel Sungatullina
Group III - 6

Russia’s Charity ProfileGuzel SungatullinaGroup III - 6

Слайд 2Plan:
History of charity in Russia
Distinguished charity activists
Modern charity trends

Plan:History of charity in RussiaDistinguished charity activistsModern charity trends

Слайд 3monasteries
shelter and medical help
poor relief - almsgiving

monasteriesshelter and medical helpmonkspoor relief - almsgiving

Слайд 4Feodor Alekseyevich Rtishchev
Alexis I - public philanthropy and voluntarism

great famine in Vologda
the wounded in the Russian-Polish wars

and schools in Moscow
Andreevsky monastery
Feodor Alekseyevich RtishchevAlexis I - public philanthropy and voluntarism the great famine in Vologda the wounded in

Слайд 5Peter the Great
hospitals for invalids and the elderly
orphanages for illegitimate


Peter the Greathospitals for invalids and the elderlyorphanages for illegitimate children

Слайд 6Empress Catherine the Great
1775 Statute on Provincial Administration - Social

Welfare Boards in 49 provinces
specialized charitable institutions:
foundling homes
insane almshouses

boarding schools for children of needy nobles
Empress Catherine the Great1775 Statute on Provincial Administration - Social Welfare Boards in 49 provincesspecialized charitable institutions:

Слайд 7Empress Maria Feodorovna
the "minister of charity“
public education
health services
Mariinsky and

the Midwife Institutes
the Gatchina House of Education
the first Russian Deaf-Mute

School (in Pavlovsk)
Empress Maria Feodorovnathe

Слайд 8Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna
the St Petersburg Clinical Institute
Krestovozdvizhenskaya community

of medical nurses

Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna the St Petersburg Clinical InstituteKrestovozdvizhenskaya community of medical nurses

Слайд 9St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Society
in 1812 - to help the

victims of war with Napoleon
since 1816 - widows, orphans, disabled

or refugees
private boarding schools named after the city districts

St. Petersburg Women's Patriotic Societyin 1812 - to help the victims of war with Napoleonsince 1816 -

Слайд 10Princess Tatiana Vasilevna Golitsyna
female education in Russia
1837 - hand-made

schools for girls
a Basket weaving workshops

Princess Tatiana Vasilevna Golitsyna female education in Russia1837 - hand-made schools for girlsa Basket weaving workshops

Слайд 11Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna
the Convent of Sts. Martha and

Mary, it’s abbess
a hospital, a chapel, a pharmacy and an

orphanage on its grounds
sick and wounded during the First World War
Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna the Convent of Sts. Martha and Mary, it’s abbessa hospital, a chapel, a

Слайд 12Elizabeth Feodorovna
after the revolution - was dumped alive into the

Lower Selim mine near Alapaevsk

Elizabeth Feodorovnaafter the revolution - was dumped alive into the Lower Selim mine near Alapaevsk

Слайд 13Varvara Morozova
Abram Morozov - a wealthy textile merchant
Tverskaya textile manufactory

public mental asylum in Moscow
a free library and reading room

near Chistiye Prudy
field hospitals for wounded solders
from flooding
female classes and scientific laboratories

Varvara MorozovaAbram Morozov - a wealthy textile merchantTverskaya textile manufactorya public mental asylum in Moscowa free library

Слайд 14by the beginning of the 20th century -more than 40

female charities.
October Revolution of 1917
The government - full responsibility

for the social welfare of the people
by the beginning of the 20th century -more than 40 female charities. October Revolution of 1917The government

Слайд 15The Soviet Union
1950 - a form of Shefstvo (patronage or

1987 - Lenin Soviet children's fund (now "Russian Children's Fund")

- volunteer help to child protection activities
The Soviet Union1950 - a form of Shefstvo (patronage or sponsorship)1987 - Lenin Soviet children's fund (now

Слайд 16Modern distinguished philanthropists
Rostropovich-Vishnevskaya Foundation – to improve the health of

children worldwide
Chulpan Khamatova - "Grant Life“- to help children with

Alla Yaroshinskaya - the Ecological Charity Fund
Anna Netrebko - SOS-KinderDorf project, functions in 104 countries of the world
Natalia Vodianova - the Naked Heart Foundation

Modern distinguished philanthropistsRostropovich-Vishnevskaya Foundation – to improve the health of children worldwideChulpan Khamatova -

Слайд 17Modern trends
public communities - aim at helping boarding houses, orphanages

local internet forums
homeless and stray animals
natural disasters and technological catastrophes

(the Chernobyl Nuclear Accident in 1986)
missing people (Liza Alert)
Modern trendspublic communities - aim at helping boarding houses, orphanagesat local internet forumshomeless and stray animalsnatural disasters

Слайд 18In conclusion I would like to say that…

In conclusion I would like to say that…

Слайд 19Thank you for your attention! Your questions are welcomed!
Topic: Russia’s Charity


Thank you for your attention!  Your questions are welcomed! Topic: Russia’s Charity Profile

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