Разделы презентаций

Software Engineering


Understanding the Problem Development Costs 1/3 planning1/6 codding1/4 component test1/4 system testDevelopment costs are only the tip of the iceberg.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Software Engineering
Lecture 2
Software Engineering
Project – step by step

Software EngineeringLecture 2Software EngineeringProject – step by step

Слайд 2Understanding the Problem
Development Costs

1/3 planning
1/6 codding
1/4 component test

system test
Development costs are only the tip of the iceberg.

Understanding the Problem Development Costs 1/3 planning1/6 codding1/4 component test1/4 system testDevelopment costs are only the tip

Слайд 3Requirements Specification
A structured document that sets out the services the

system is expected to provide.
Should be precise so that

it can act as a contract between the system procurer and software developer.
Needs to be understandable by both.
Describes what the system will do but not how it will do it (objectives but not how objectives will be achieved.
Requirements SpecificationA structured document that sets out the services the system is expected to provide. Should be

Слайд 4Design Specification
An abstract description of the software that serves

as a basis for (or describes) detailed design and implementation

Describes how the requirements will be achieved.
Primary readers will be software designers and implementers rather than users or management.
Goals and constraints specified in requirements document should be traceable to the design specification (and from there to the code.
Design Specification An abstract description of the software that serves as a basis for (or describes) detailed

Слайд 5Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Interfaces to the


Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem EvolutionFunctional RequirementsConstraintsPrioritiesInterfaces to the EnvironmentGlossary

Слайд 6Contents of Requirements Documents
Introduction: Describes the need for the

system and places it in context, briefly describing its functions

and presenting a rationale for the software. Describes how the system fits into the overall business or strategic objectives of the organization commissioning the software.
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Interfaces to the Environment
Contents of Requirements Documents Introduction: Describes the need for the system and places it in context, briefly

Слайд 7Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model: Shows the relationships

between the system components and the system and its environment.

An abstract data model should also be described if appropriate to the type of system.
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Interfaces to the Environment
Contents of Requirements Documents Introduction System Model: Shows the relationships between the system components and the system

Слайд 8Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution: Fundamental assumptions on

which the system is based and anticipated changes due to

hardware evolution, changing user needs, etc.
Functional Requirements
Interfaces to the Environment

Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem Evolution: Fundamental assumptions on which the system is based and anticipated

Слайд 9Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements: The services

provided for the user. This includes timing and accuracy requirements.

to the Environment
Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem EvolutionFunctional Requirements: The services provided for the user. This includes timing

Слайд 10Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Constraints: Constraints on

how the goals can be achieved (restrictions on behavior of

software and freedom of designer), e.g., safety, hardware, programming languages, standards that must be followed. Includes quality requirements such as maintainability, availability, etc.
Interfaces to the Environment
Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem EvolutionFunctional RequirementsConstraints: Constraints on how the goals can be achieved (restrictions

Слайд 11Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Priorities: Guides tradeoffs

and design decisions if all requirements and constraints cannot be

completely achieved.
Interfaces to the Environment
Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem EvolutionFunctional RequirementsConstraintsPriorities: Guides tradeoffs and design decisions if all requirements and

Слайд 12Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Interfaces to the

Environment: Input or output interfaces and relevant assumptions about environmental

components with which the software will be interacting.
Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem EvolutionFunctional RequirementsConstraintsPrioritiesInterfaces to the Environment: Input or output interfaces and relevant

Слайд 13Contents of Requirements Documents
System Model
System Evolution
Functional Requirements
Interfaces to the

Glossary: Definitions of technical terms used in the document

Contents of Requirements Documents IntroductionSystem ModelSystem EvolutionFunctional RequirementsConstraintsPrioritiesInterfaces to the EnvironmentGlossary: Definitions of technical terms used in

Слайд 14Attributes of a good requirements document:
Readable and understandable by

customers, users, and designers.
Specifies only external system behavior (black

Structured to be easy to change.
Specifies both goals and constraints.
Able to serves as a reference for system maintainers.
Consistent, complete, unambiguous, realistic, and testable
Specified acceptable responses to undesired events.
Specifies what should not do as well as what should do.
Specified incremental subsets if desried or minimum and maximum functionality
Specifies changes anticipated in the future (for both environment and software)
Attributes of a good requirements document: Readable and understandable by customers, users, and designers. Specifies only external

Слайд 15Requirements must be testable
An untestable requirement:
The system shall

be easy to use by experienced controllers and shall be

organized in such a way that user errors are minimized.
A testable requirement:
Experienced controllers shall be able to use all the system functions after a total of two hours training. After this training, the average number of errors made by experienced users shall not exceed two per day.
Requirements must be testable An untestable requirement: The system shall be easy to use by experienced controllers

Слайд 16Types of Specifications
Free form, natural language
Ambiguity and lack of

organization can lead to incompleteness, inconsistency, and misunderstandings
Standardized syntax (e.g.,

Basic consistency and completeness checks
Imprecise semantics implies other sources of error may still be present.
Syntax and semantics rigorously defined.
Precise form, perhaps mathematical.
Eliminate imprecision and ambiguity.
Provide basis for mathematically verifying equivalence between specification and implementation.
May be hard to read without training.
Semantic distance too great?
Types of Specifications InformalFree form, natural languageAmbiguity and lack of organization can lead to incompleteness, inconsistency, and

Слайд 17Abstract Model Specifications
Build an abstract model of required software

behavior using mathematically defined (perhaps using axioms) types (e.g., sets,

Define operations by showing effects of that operation on the model.
Specification includes:
Invariant properties of model
For each operation:
return values
Pre and post conditions on the operations
Abstract Model Specifications Build an abstract model of required software behavior using mathematically defined (perhaps using axioms)

Слайд 18Example of a State Machine Model

Example of a State Machine Model

Слайд 19System description

System description

Слайд 20System description

System description

Слайд 21Example of system description for TCAS
Level 1: Environment
Description of environment

in which interacts
Assumptions about environment
EA−1: Altitude information is available from

intruders with minimum precision of 100 feet
EA−2: All aircraft will have legal identification numbers
Level 1: Operator
Pilot Responsibilities and Tasks
Operator requirements
OP−5: TCAS advisories shall be executed in such a way as to minimize the aircraft’s deviation from it’s ATC clearance
Human−Machine Interface Requirements
HMI−3: A red visual alert shall be provided in the primary field of view for each pilot for resolution advisories.
Example of system description for TCASLevel 1: EnvironmentDescription of environment in which interactsAssumptions about environmentEA−1: Altitude information

Слайд 22Summary
Integrate design rationale and safety information into specification and

its structure
Capture domain knowledge (reusable architectures)
Provides traceability from high−level requirements

to detailed design and code.
Blackbox models at Level 3
Executable and analyzable e.g., completeness, robustness, mode confusion, hazard analysis, test case generation, code generation
Specification acts as an executable prototype
Can interface with system simulation
Visualization tools
Interface to contractors
Summary Integrate design rationale and safety information into specification and its structureCapture domain knowledge (reusable architectures)Provides traceability

Слайд 23THANK YOU !!! GOOD LUCK !!!
You can find me in the

classroom 5-214
e-mail: eart@ukr.net

THANK YOU !!! GOOD LUCK !!! You can find me in the classroom 5-214ore-mail: eart@ukr.net

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