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History and Philosophy
of Science
Lecturer: Ainur Abdina - Doctor of philosophical sciences, Associate
Professor of Department of Philosophy
Astana 2018
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Тheme 6. Basic concepts and directions of the non-classical and
post-nonclassical stage of history and philosophy of science
purpose of the lecture: a critical analysis of the basic concepts of post-nonclassical stage of scientific development
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Epistemological anarchism of Paul Feyerabend
Postmodernism in science
Bruno Latour: “We
Have Never Been Modern”
Слайд 4Basic concepts:
Epistemological anarchism
The uncertainty
The pluralistic nature
of the world
The ambivalence of human existence
Слайд 5Paul Feyerabend (1924-1994)
Author of the book "Against Method."
Epistemological anarchism
proclaims the absence of universal criteria of truth of knowledge,
and the imposition of such criteria, the state or society is considered as an obstacle to the free development of science.
Слайд 6Paul Feyerabend
Follower of epistemological anarchism is against any programs at
Feyerabend does not admit the existence of any criteria
for comparison of theories or point in time when they can be compared. According to him, micro revolution in science are constant, namely, when some brave scientist decided to move away from the old proven methods of scientific research or theory creates absolutely not compatible with the old, and opening up new horizons of knowledge.
Слайд 7Paul Feyerabend
Thus, there are no rules by which
one can distinguish the true from the false knowledge or
to find out which of the theories is better or worse. Feyerabend concludes that it is impossible to claim that scientific knowledge is better and more informed than religious or mythological. They are equal to each other ways of understanding reality, and reject some of them will be a loss, and not the acquisition.
Слайд 8Paul Feyerabend
According to the epistemological anarchism, the only principle which
is to adhere to - it is the principle «anything
Scientist can conduct propaganda of their views by any means.
Слайд 9Paul Feyerabend
Feyerabend in favor of the separation of science and
state. According to him, standardized education, as well as some
taken for public research institutions beliefs, scientific dogma imposed on the people working in this area, leading to stagnation in science, drive it to the narrow limits.
Слайд 10Postmodernism in science
Francois Lyotard, “The Postmodern Condition“ (1979) - problem
of the relation of postmodernism and modern science.
Postmodernism uses
categories of uncertainty, imminence, multi-variant.
Pluralistic nature of the world and the ambivalence of human existence.
Слайд 11Postmodernism in science
The problem of the subject - whether nature
remains as a research subject (independent of man and his
The problem of truth - whether science strives to achieve it?
The problem of the objectivity of knowledge - whether the objectivity of scientific knowledge by meeting the subject matter?
Слайд 12Postmodernism in science
The problem of creativity - can be a
process of social construction of the result?
Problem of history
- the extent to which new knowledge is generated from old, from history?
The problem of logical relations in philosophy.
Слайд 13Postmodernism in science
Knowledge is information goods.
Knowledge is a product
of power relations.
Слайд 14Bruno Latour (1947 - )
Author of the book“We Have
Never Been Modern” (1997).
Where does faith in science? Maybe science
it's just a specific branch of the policy? Academic institutions around the world are working to stop. The juxtaposition of Sciences and Arts is out of date. Formal academic specialization rarely coincides with its actual performance.
Слайд 15Bruno Latour
Instead of living for eternity is fleeting projects. Instead
of searching for the truth - the order and report.
Or maybe neither truth nor eternity never was? Where are we in this case bears?
Слайд 16Bruno Latour
Should not at least for fun to imagine that
«We Have Never Been Modern»? Maybe, just once, and there
was a long time there was a certain paradigm of ideas that now does not change arbitrarily (as sadly notes postmodernism), and under the pressure of the changed reality?
Слайд 17Bruno Latour
Reality, where there is not only the orbital tourism,
online, robot cleaner and laboratory cloning, but where there is
no anthropological fault between white people and everyone else. Where social and gender identity - it is a matter of choice. Reality this does not mean that tomorrow will be much clearer, stronger and "cleaner" meaning. She is no longer needed.
Слайд 18Bruno Latour
Modern science, for Latour, is to achieve agreements. As
a result, incoherent and disparate situations start to communicate and
compared with each other.
This is no exposure of the poor quality of science. On the contrary, it means that we understand how it is formed knowledge.
Слайд 19Bruno Latour
To be able to use it and build up,
do not lose what is, to review what is in
doubt, provide a place that will. No quackery, but a sober assessment of strategies to achieve consensus. That, in fact, is engaged the sociology of knowledge. It offers its own Constitution, a system of common rules by which knowledge functions.
Слайд 20Bruno Latour
This Constitution is alternative Modern with its separation of
nature and culture and the transcendent God who performs the
arbitration function. In our modern times, and the objective nature of the free, that subordinate unified law, society co-exist together, and the time flow is not uniform. No power cannot subdue him.