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STEP1. PRESENTATIONThe Dictionary of General Business English Terminology give the following explanation oh the term: “ A talk or report by a company executive that introduces a new product or service

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Some experts in business presentation state that presentation is

thinking aloud.
Other compare it with building a house. The more

solid foundation you build the better the presentation will be. The points of a presentation are levels of a house which are connected to each other by a staircase like the points oh the presentation are logically connected and interrelated and transition is easily made from one point to another. Finally a conspicuous roof will provide an effective conclusion showing the results of your effort in building the house.

…your business carreer will often depend on your ability to persuade of your point of you or of the need
for your company’s product or service.

STEP1. PRESENTATIONSome experts in business presentation state that presentation is thinking aloud.Other compare it with building a

The Dictionary of General Business English Terminology give the

following explanation oh the term: “ A talk or report

by a company executive that introduces a new product or service to an audience of specialists in the field of potential investors”







STEP1. PRESENTATIONThe Dictionary of General Business English Terminology give the following explanation oh the term: “ A

Слайд 3Depending on the aims of a presentation they are basically

divided into two types:

Informative – do you want to

inform an audience about essential facts?

Persuasive – do you want to persuade the audience to do some things?
Depending on the aims of a presentation they are basically divided into two types: Informative – do

Слайд 4In order to ensure success of your presentation make sure

you have given a profound answer to the following questions:

In order to ensure success of your presentation make sure you have given a profound answer to

Слайд 5So you have to research your audience, your surroundings (rooms,

facilities to tailor your presentation to them) and the subject

of your presentation. Experts of presentations insist on presentations being: well-researched, well-structured, well-prepared, well-targeted. Besides a presenter should have an eye contact with the audience and the presentation should be interactive, his visuals should be attractive and illustrate his speech appropriately.

So you have to research your audience, your surroundings (rooms, facilities to tailor your presentation to them)

2. Main body
3. Conclusion
2. self-indentification
1. Greetings the audience
3.Stating the target

Stating the procedure
4. Signposting a presentation

STRUCTURE1.Introduction2. Main body3. ConclusionIntroduction2. self-indentification1. Greetings the audience3.Stating the target5. Stating the procedure4. Signposting a presentation

Слайд 7Main body
1. Background information
2. Analysis oh the problem
3. Proposals
Closing courtesies

on the presentation

Main body1. Background information2. Analysis oh the problem3. ProposalsconclusionClosing courtesiesFeedback on the presentation

Слайд 8Signpost language – is the words and phrases that people

used to tell the listener what has just happened and

what is going to happen next. Signposting helps you structure the main content of your presentation. Using signposting technique you guide the audience through the structure of your presentation and ensure complete understanding of each point of your speech.
Signpost language – is the words and phrases that people used to tell the listener what has

Слайд 9Signpost
(Introdusing the topic)

The subject/topic of my talk is..
I’m going to

talk about…
My topic today is…..
My talk is concerned with …

going to divide this talk into four parts…
Briefly I have three things to say..
I’d like to begin/start by…
Let’s begin by…
First of all I’ll…


Signpost(Introdusing the topic)The subject/topic of my talk is..I’m going to talk about…	My topic today is…..My talk is

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