Разделы презентаций

Study in Holland

VUFP Scholarship for both EU and non-EU students RequirementsThe successful candidate for the VUFP Scholarship must meet the following requirements:Not have the Dutch nationality;  Have achieved excellent study results which relevant

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Слайд 1Study in Holland
Youth Prospects

Study in HollandYouth Prospects

Слайд 3VUFP Scholarship for both EU and non-EU students
The successful

candidate for the VUFP Scholarship must meet the following requirements:

have the Dutch nationality; 

Have achieved excellent study results which relevant for the programme he / she wishes to enrol; 

In his / her prior academic education, be among the top 10% of his / her class for the relevant programme; 

Have been admitted to an international master’s programme, as preselected by the faculty, or IBA;

Hold a relevant bachelor’s degree (for a master’s programme) or secondary school diploma (for IBA);

Be able to comply with the condition to obtain a Dutch visa.

VUFP Scholarship for both EU and non-EU students RequirementsThe successful candidate for the VUFP Scholarship must meet

Слайд 4Application procedure

If you wish to apply for the VUFP scholarship,

you should send the following documents to vufp.dsz@vu.nl:
Proof that you

belong to the top 10% of your class (issued by your university) or university statement concerning your GPA (Grade Point Average);
Motivation letter (Why do you think you deserve the VUFP scholarship?);
Financial Plan listing your budget (other scholarships etc.).
Deadline for application is 1 March 2012. The results of the selection of VUFP scholarship will be published at the website by the end of April 2012.
Application procedureIf you wish to apply for the VUFP scholarship, you should send the following documents to

Слайд 5Erasmus Mundus
All the information is on the following sight http://www.utu.fi/sivustot/bmu-mid/

Erasmus MundusAll the information is on the following sight http://www.utu.fi/sivustot/bmu-mid/

Слайд 6Amsterdam Merit Scholarship

Amsterdam Merit Scholarshiphttp://www.studeren.uva.nl/finance/scholarships.cfm/D1B4B4B9-D96B-47C4-83729F3E5E19AE12

Слайд 7Amsterdam Merit Scholarship
The faculties and international schools award

scholarships themselves; as such, regulations may vary. Students interested in

an Amsterdam Merit Scholarship may contact the faculty or international school offering the study programme of their choice for more information.
Amsterdam Merit ScholarshipApplication  The faculties and international schools award scholarships themselves; as such, regulations may vary.

Слайд 8Всесвітні студії

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Робота по закінченню магістерської програми
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