Разделы презентаций

t-t-5392-the-magic-porridge-pot-story-powerpoint ver 1

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She lived with her mother who was very poor.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She

lived with her mother who was very poor.

Once upon a time, there was a little girl. She lived with her mother who was very

Слайд 3One day, when the little girl was out for a

walk, she saw an old lady drowning in the river.

One day, when the little girl was out for a walk, she saw an old  lady

Слайд 4The girl saved the old lady and in return, the

old woman gave her a magic pot.

The girl saved the old lady and in return, the old woman  gave her a magic

Слайд 5The old woman told the girl some magic words to

make the pot cook.
Cook little pot, cook!

The old woman told the girl some magic words to make the  pot cook.Cook little pot,

Слайд 6She also explained how to make the pot stop cooking.

little pot, stop!

She also explained how to make the pot stop cooking.Stop little pot, stop!

Слайд 7The little girl took the pot home to her mother

and said the magic words. The pot began to cook

the porridge!

Cook little pot, cook!

The little girl took the pot home to her mother and said the magic words. The pot

Слайд 8However, when the girl’s mother tried to use the cooking

pot, she could not remember the magic words…

However, when the girl’s mother tried to use the cooking pot, she could not remember the magic

Слайд 10The porridge flowed out of the front door and onto

the street. Soon, the whole village was flooded with porridge!

The porridge flowed out of the front door and onto the street. Soon, the whole village was

Слайд 11When the little girl came home, she said the magic

words, and the pot stopped making porridge.
Stop little pot, stop!

When the little girl came home, she said the magic words, and the pot stopped making porridge.Stop

Слайд 12There was enough porridge for the whole village and they

never went hungry again!

There was enough porridge for the whole village and they never went hungry again!

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