Разделы презентаций

the 12th lesson kid`s box3

Name parts of your body

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Name parts of your body

Name parts of your body

Слайд 7a BANK is a place that looks after people’s money for them

and keeps it safe. It also lends money to people

to help them buy things like houses.
a BANK is a place that looks after people’s money for them and keeps it safe. It also lends

Слайд 8Bus station- one of the places where a bus stops for

passengers to get on or off

Bus station- one of the places where a bus stops for passengers to get on or off

Слайд 9-a theatre where people pay
to watch films.

-a theatre where people pay to watch films.

Слайд 10Sport center- a building where you can play  different sports

Sport center- a building where you can play  different sports

Слайд 11SuperMarket -a big shop which sells different types of food and other goods.

SuperMarket -a big shop which sells different types of food and other goods.

- an area of water for swimming, or a building containing  this:
an indoor/outdoor swimming


SWIMMING POOL- an area of water for swimming, or a building containing  this:an indoor/outdoor swimming pool

a building that has a collection of books, for people to read or borrow,

LIBRARY a building that has a collection of books, for people to read or borrow,

Слайд 14Market
an open area, building, where people go to buy and sell goods 
or  food

Marketan open area, building, where people go to buy and sell goods or  food

Слайд 27Work in pairs

Work in pairs

Слайд 29Copy 1. Ex. 1,2.
2. Describe you town(where is a bus

station, a supermarket etc.)
3. Shoot the video 1 min. about

your favorite place in your town and tell about it in English. Send this video in vk on Saturday.
Copy 1. Ex. 1,2.2. Describe you town(where is a bus station, a supermarket etc.)3. Shoot the video

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