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The future of bank branches. Evstratov Alexander AM2-1

IntroductionBranch bank transformation is motivated by customer demand for “convenience and the ability to do business anytime and everywhere”.

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Слайд 1 The future of bank branches.
Evstratov Alexander AM2-1

 The future of bank branches.Evstratov Alexander AM2-1

Слайд 2Introduction
Branch bank transformation is motivated by customer demand for “convenience

and the ability to do business anytime and everywhere”.

IntroductionBranch bank transformation is motivated by customer demand for “convenience and the ability to do business anytime

Слайд 3Speed


Слайд 4reliability
Although digitally savvy, many consumers still see the physical branch

as highly relevant and a vital component of their financial

reliabilityAlthough digitally savvy, many consumers still see the physical branch as highly relevant and a vital component

Слайд 5How are people banking?
“Expectations & Experiences: Household Finances” survey

More consumers

(39 %) prefer in-person interaction to online contact (36 %)

as their primary avenue when they engage with a financial institution.
How are people banking?“Expectations & Experiences: Household Finances” surveyMore consumers (39 %) prefer in-person interaction to online

Слайд 6 Not unexpectedly, seniors (63%) and boomers (45%) are most

likely to visit a branch.

But a significant number of early

(25%) and late (24%) millennials also prefer in-person experiences.

Branches boast Solid roots

Not unexpectedly, seniors (63%) and boomers (45%) are most likely to visit a branch.But a significant

Слайд 7Many banks already are shifting how they do business to

meet this “anytime, anywhere” mindset, with services such as instant

card issuance more readily available.

More than half of consumers say that access to convenient services such as immediate card issuance would influence where they bank.

Fulfilling the need for full speed

Many banks already are shifting how they do business to meet this “anytime, anywhere” mindset, with services

Слайд 8The number of braches in America is decreasing.
In 2017,

the number of bank branches in the US declined from

91,900 to 89,900, a 2,2% decrease.

Total branch deposits increased to $11.9 trillion in 2017(5.3% increase)

More business in fewer branches

The number of braches in America is decreasing. In 2017, the number of bank branches in the

Слайд 9Conclusion
Banks must adapt to the reality that customers are moving

to digital but still value the branch.
In response, leading banks

will craft a seamless customer experience across physical and digital channels.

This is the future of bank branch strategy.

ConclusionBanks must adapt to the reality that customers are moving to digital but still value the branch.In

Слайд 10Conclusion


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