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The interaction of globalization and culture in the modern world

Globalization describes the acceleration of the integration of nations into the global system. It contributes to the expansion of cultural ties between the peoples and human migration.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The interaction of globalization and culture in the modern world

The interaction of globalization and culture in the modern world

Слайд 2Globalization describes the acceleration of the integration of nations into

the global system. It contributes to the expansion of cultural

ties between the peoples and human migration.
Globalization describes the acceleration of the integration of nations into the global system. It contributes to the

Слайд 3Young people no longer take an interest to own culture.

In addition, less attention is paid to the development of

the art of the country in its own unique way. Art also begins to serve the interests of the economic market.
Young people no longer take an interest to own culture. In addition, less attention is paid to

Слайд 4The term “globalization” in sociology refers to a broad range

of events and trends: the development of world ideologies, intense

struggle for the establishment of world order; spike in the number and influence of international organizations, the weakening of the sovereignty of nation states, the emergence and development of transnational corporations, the growth of international trade, intensive mass migration and the formation of multicultural communities, the creation of planetary mass media and the expansion of Western culture in all regions of the world, etc.
The term “globalization” in sociology refers to a broad range of events and trends: the development of

Слайд 5 As a result of globalization, the world is becoming

more connected and more dependent on all his subjects.

As a result of globalization, the world is becoming more connected and more dependent on all

Слайд 7Loss of cultural identity

Loss of cultural identity

Слайд 9 Cultural policy is a system of interventions, funded, regulated

and largely implemented by the state (as well as individuals),

aimed at the preservation, development and enhancement of the cultural heritage of the nation.
Cultural policy is a system of interventions, funded, regulated and largely implemented by the state (as

Слайд 11Thank you for attention!!!

Thank you for attention!!!

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