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The project is done by Smirnov Arseniy Form 8 School # 28 Teacher Averina Elena

Monuments and memorials to the heroes of the First World War

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The project is done by
Smirnov Arseniy
Form 8
School # 28
Teacher Averina

Elena Valeryevna
Monuments and memorials to the heroes of the First

World War
The project is done bySmirnov ArseniyForm 8School # 28Teacher Averina Elena ValeryevnaMonuments and memorials to the heroes

Слайд 2Monuments and memorials to the heroes of the First World

Monuments and memorials to the heroes of the First World War

Слайд 4Loss of people

Loss of people

Слайд 5Overall results

Overall results

Слайд 6The First World War hasn’t completed in world, but it

has completed in truce for 20 years

The First World War hasn’t completed in world, but it has completed in truce for 20 years

Слайд 7The memories of heroes this War stayed in each cities

of ussia

The memories of heroes this War stayed in each cities of ussia

Слайд 8

It’s St. Petersburg

It’s St. Petersburg

Слайд 9It’s Tula

It’s Tula

Слайд 10It’s Pskov

It’s Pskov

Слайд 11 It’s Orenburg

It’s Orenburg

Слайд 12It’s Lipetsk

It’s Lipetsk

Слайд 13It’s Azov

It’s Azov

Слайд 14 It’s Gusev

It’s Gusev

Слайд 15It’s Kaliningrad

It’s Kaliningrad

Слайд 16It’s Moscow

It’s Moscow

Слайд 17The heroes of eternal glory!

The heroes of eternal glory!

Слайд 18 Thanks for your attention!

Thanks for your attention!

Слайд 19https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

The List of Literature

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/https://arch-heritage.http://istoriarusi.ru/imper/pervaja-mirovaja-vojna-1914-1918http://historykratko.com/pervaya-mirovaya-voynahttp://antiquehistory.ru/https://studwood.ru/http://www.istmira.com/drugoeThe List of Literature

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