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Thoracic and abdominal aorta

Aorta thoracicaRami parietales:1. a.a. intercostales posteriores (10 pairs ) – from III to XI intercostal spaces;2. a. a. phrenicae superiores blood supply diaphragm and pleuraRami viscerales:1.Rami bronchiales (2-4) –go to hilum

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Thoracic and abdominal aorta

Thoracic and abdominal aorta

Слайд 2Aorta thoracica
Rami parietales:
1. a.a. intercostales posteriores (10 pairs ) –

from III to XI intercostal spaces;
2. a. a. phrenicae superiores

blood supply diaphragm and pleura
Rami viscerales:
1.Rami bronchiales (2-4) –go to hilum pulmonis, supply bronchi, lungs, anastomouses with branches of pulmonary arteries;
2.Rami esophageae(3-4)- to thoracic part of esophagus;
3.Rami mediastinales-supply lymphatic nodes of posterior mediastinalis;
4. Rami pericardiaci – to pericardium

Aorta thoracicaRami parietales:1. a.a. intercostales posteriores (10 pairs ) – from III to XI intercostal spaces;2. a.

Слайд 3Branches of the abdominal aorta
I. Parietal branches.
II. Visceral branches:
1. Unpaired

visceral branches
2. Paired visceral branches

Branches of the abdominal aortaI. Parietal branches.II. Visceral branches:1. Unpaired visceral branches 2. Paired visceral branches

Слайд 4Parietal branches of abdominal aorta
1. A. phrenica inferior;
2. A. lumbales(4-6);

A. sacralis mediana


Parietal branches of abdominal aorta1. A. phrenica inferior;2. A. lumbales(4-6);3. A. sacralis mediana123

Слайд 5Unpaired visceral branches

1. Truncus coeliacus
2.A.mesenterica superior
3.A. mesenterica inferior

Unpaired visceral branches1. Truncus coeliacus 2.A.mesenterica superior3.A. mesenterica inferior

Слайд 61. Truncus coeliacus
Arises from abdominal aorta at the level of

XII-th thoracic vertebra. Its length 10mm, thick 0.5-2cm. The coeliac

trunk and its branches supply blood to the stomach, spleen, pancreas, liver, and part of the duodenum. The most common variant of branching the trunk is known as trifurcation (division into three branches): a.gastrica sinistra(1), a.hepatica communis(2), a.lienalis(3).




1. Truncus coeliacusArises from abdominal aorta at the level of XII-th thoracic vertebra. Its length 10mm, thick

Слайд 7a. gastrica sinistra
The left gastric artery is the smallest, it

is directed up and to the left to the cardiac

part of the stomach, and supplies blood to the lower part of the esophagus and stomach and anastomouses with right gastric artery.
a. gastrica sinistraThe left gastric artery is the smallest, it is directed up and to the left

Слайд 8a. hepatica communis
A. hepatica communis is directed forward and to

the right to the upper border of the initial part

of the duodenum. It divides in a. gastroduodenalis and a. hepatica propria. A. gastrica dexter arises from a.hepatica communis. The proper hepatic artery goes to the liver gate and further divides into the right hepatic and left hepatic arteries. A. gastroduodenalis divides into a.pancreatoduodenalis superior and gastroepiploica dextra.
a. hepatica communisA. hepatica communis is directed forward and to the right to the upper border of

Слайд 9a. lienalis
The splenic artery– the largest branch, goes along the

upper border of the pancreas to the spleen. Next to

the spleen, the splenic artery divides into several (five or more) branches. In addition to branches to the spleen, the splenic artery also gives pancreatic branches, short gastric arteries, and the left gastro-epiploica artery.
a. lienalisThe splenic artery– the largest branch, goes along the upper border of the pancreas to the

Слайд 102. A. mesenterica superior

Arises near celiac trunk behind the head

of pancreas. Its branches:
a. pancreatoduodenalis inferior, anastomouses with a. pancreatoduodenalis

2. 12-15 –rami intestinales – to jeajunum and ileum;
3. a. ileocolica blood supply cecum with vermiform process and ileum;
4. a. colica dextra – to ascending colon.
5. a.colica media – to the right side of
transvers colon






2. A. mesenterica superiorArises near celiac trunk behind the head of pancreas. Its branches:a. pancreatoduodenalis inferior, anastomouses

Слайд 113. A. mesenterica inferior
Arises at the level of III-d lumber

vertebra. It blood supply descending colon, sygmoid colon and more

part of rectum. It gives 3 branches:
1. a.colica sinistra – to descending colon;
2.a.a.sygmoideae – to sygmoid colon;
3.a.rectalis superior – to rectum.
All arteries anastomouses between each other.




3. A. mesenterica inferiorArises at the level of III-d lumber vertebra. It blood supply descending colon, sygmoid

Слайд 12Paired visceral branches
1. A. renalis;
2. A. suprarenalis media;
3. A.testicularis



Paired visceral branches 1. A. renalis;2. A. suprarenalis media;3. A.testicularis (a. ovarica)123

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