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Topic –Specific adaptation

Name : abhay Nande group : 194A , la -1

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Слайд 1Topic –Specific adaptation.
Guided by – prof. Anna zHukova .

Topic –Specific adaptation. Guided by – prof. Anna zHukova .

Слайд 2Name : abhay Nande group : 194A , la -1

Name : abhay Nande group : 194A , la -1

Слайд 6Specific adaptation:
In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by

which organisms adjust to new environments or to changes in

their current environment. ... The idea of natural selection is that traits that can be passed down allow organisms to adapt to the environment better than other organisms of the same species.
Specific adaptation: In evolutionary theory, adaptation is the biological mechanism by which organisms adjust to new environments

Слайд 7Adaptation is Specific:
For example, the place where your heel bone

strikes the ground will be very hard and dense. The

dominant arm of a tennis player will have larger bones than the opposite arm. Martial artists can toughen their shins and forearms into steel weapons through repeated shock training of the bone.
Adaptation is Specific:For example, the place where your heel bone strikes the ground will be very hard

Слайд 8The SAID Principle:
The SAID principle is one of the most

important basic concepts in sport science. It is an

which stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. It means that when the
body is placed under some form of stress, it starts to make adaptations that will allow the
body to get better at withstanding that specific form of stress in the future.
The SAID Principle:The SAID principle is one of the most important basic concepts in sport science. It

Слайд 9Adaptation is Specific:
Let’s take some simple examples. If you place

mechanical stress on the bones of the body by shock

or impact, this will set in motion simple physiological processes that will thicken and harden the bones in the exact area of stress. For example, the place where your heel bone strikes the ground will be very hard and dense. The dominant arm of a tennis player will have larger bones than the opposite arm. Martial artists can toughen their shins and forearms into steel weapons through repeated shock training of the bone. The same thing happens with tendons and ligaments, which thicken and strengthen in response to mechanical stresses such as resistance training. Stress to muscles will cause them to get bigger, and so on.
Adaptation is Specific:Let’s take some simple examples. If you place mechanical stress on the bones of the

Слайд 10The SAID principle also refers to adaptations that are far

more sophisticated and complex, such as learning new motor skills.

As you practice physical skills, there are numerous physical changes to the structure of the brain as a result. For example, if you spend hours practicing the piano, the part of your brain that controls hand coordination will actually grow larger. The neurons responsible for the coordinated finger actions will develop better and faster lines of communication between themselves. And your memories of hand skills will be placed into parts of the brain where they can be accessed and executed automatically, without any degree of conscious effort or thought.
The SAID principle also refers to adaptations that are far more sophisticated and complex, such as learning

Слайд 12It is an acronym which stands for Specific Adaptation to

Imposed Demand. It means that when the body is placed

under some form of stress, it starts to make adaptations that will allow the body to get better at withstanding that specific form of stress in the future.
It is an acronym which stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. It means that when the

Слайд 13Many animals have developed specific parts of the body adapted

to survival in a certain
environment. Among them are webbed feet,

sharp claws, whiskers, sharp teeth, large
beaks, wings, and hooves. In most aquatic animals, swimming is a must. To aid swimming,
many animals have adapted and evolved with webbed feet.
Many animals have developed specific parts of the body adapted to survival in a certainenvironment. Among them

Слайд 14Thank you !

Thank you !

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