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У словные предложения Реальное условие 1 тип Частично реальное условие 2 тип

1 тип – Реальные условияВремя: Будущее. Шанс: 100%Структура: If + П + V₁ , П + will + V₁Например: If I do, I will go. If you see, you will ask.Ex.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Условные предложения
Реальное условие
1 тип
Частично реальное условие
2 тип

Условные предложенияРеальное условие1 типЧастично реальное условие2 тип

Слайд 21 тип – Реальные условия
Время: Будущее.
Шанс: 100%
Структура: If +

П + V₁ , П + will + V₁
Например: If

I do, I will go. If you see, you will ask.

Ex. 1 . Спиши, переведи:
1) If he comes late, we will miss the bus.
2) If water gets very cold, it will turn into ice.
3) If I know Alan’s address, I will write to him.

1 тип – Реальные условияВремя: Будущее. Шанс: 100%Структура: If + П + V₁ , П + will

Слайд 3Время: Настоящее и будущее.
Шанс: 50%
Структура: If + П +

V₂ , П + would + V₁
Например: If I did,

I would go. If you saw, you could ask.

2 тип – Частично реальные условия

Ex. 2. Спиши, попробуй перевести.
If I had enough money, I would travel a lot.
If you listened to your mother, you would find a better job.
He would buy that car if it were cheaper.

Время: Настоящее и будущее. Шанс: 50%Структура: If + П + V₂ , П + would + V₁Например:

Слайд 4If I were you, …
If Sarah lived near me, …

Peter had a lot of money, …
If dad didn’t have

to work today, …
If we had a car, …
If cameras didn’t cost so much, …

we would buy one.
I would do more exercise.
we could see each other more often.
we would go for a drive in the country.
he would give some to charity.
he would take us to the zoo.

If I were you, …If Sarah lived near me, …If Peter had a lot of money, …If


Use the required form:
If it rains

, we won't go to the park.
a)will rain

b)rains c)will not rain d)doesn’t rain
2. You won't pass the exam,  unless you work hard.
a)if b)when c)unless d)as soon as
3. When we  are  ready, I’ll call you.
a)shall be b)are
4. You will pay back, as soon as you  find   a new job.
a)find b)will find
5. I will see you when you  are  in Moscow next time.
a)are b)will be
6. What will you do, when you   find out the truth?
a)will find out b)have find out c)find out

CONDITIONAL IУПРАЖНЕНИЕ №1Use the required form:If it  rains  , we won't go to the park.a)will


Match the parts of the sentences:
If I finished

the work this week,
I would tell her the story.

I would

go on vacation.

I would plant the vegetables.

he would hear the news.

If he arrived,

If I saw her,

If it rained next week,

CONDITIONAL IIУПРАЖНЕНИЕ №1Match the parts of the sentences:If I finished the work this week,I would tell her

Choose the correct form:


1.If you spoke a foreign language, you could get a better


a) could get

b) can get

c) have got

2.If  I  had  the time,

I would go to the beach this weekend. 

a) have had

b) had 

c) was

3.If I had a lot of money, I  would travel  round the world.

a) would travel

b) did travel

c) can travel

4. If I  were  you, I would drive more carefully in the rain. 

a) was

b) have been

c) were 

CONDITIONAL IIChoose the correct form:УПРАЖНЕНИЕ №21.If you spoke a foreign language, you could get a better job.a) could getb) can getc) have got2.If  I


Translate the sentences:

1.If he finished his project, he

would take part in the conference.

1.Если бы он закончил свой

проект, он бы принял участие в конференции.

2.If I were you I would visit the old lady.

2. На вашем месте я бы посетил пожилую даму.

3. What would you do if you won the prize?

3. Что бы ты сделал, если бы ты выиграл приз?

4.I would agree if I were invited to travel round the world.

4. Я бы согласилась, если бы меня пригласили путешествовать по миру.

CONDITIONAL IIУПРАЖНЕНИЕ №3Translate the sentences:1.If he finished his project, he would take part in the conference.1.Если бы

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