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U.S dollar pull back some gains, investors’ appetite for risk strengthens

WHAT DOES IT MEAN?The U.S. Dollar Index that monitors the American dollar against a group of other major currencies lost 0.11% to 97.040 at 5.49 am Nigerian time with an appetite for

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Слайд 1U.S dollar pull back some gains, investors’ appetite for risk

Presentation was made
By alina lyubimova

U.S dollar pull back some gains, investors’ appetite for risk strengthensPresentation was made By alina lyubimova3733802/02604

The U.S. Dollar Index that monitors the

American dollar against a group of other major currencies lost

0.11% to 97.040 at 5.49 am Nigerian time with an appetite for risk increases, as Global stocks continued to rally leading currency traders and investors retreating from the U.S dollar

The U.S dollar pulled back some of its gains!

WHAT DOES IT MEAN?The U.S. Dollar Index that monitors the American dollar against a group of other

Слайд 3Why ?
For this reason, a wave of sales swept across

the stock exchanges, which naturally increased the demand from investors

for defensive assets, which is the American currency. In addition, a $ 2 trillion money laundering scandal by major international banks has contributed to a decrease in risk appetite in global markets, especially in the financial sector, between 1999 and 2017.

Why ?For this reason, a wave of sales swept across the stock exchanges, which naturally increased the

Слайд 4
Stephen Innes, Chief Global Market Strategist at AxiCorp in a note to Nairametrics,

wrote about the present market volatility in the currency market.

He said:
“If you are handling the currency hot seat these days, you likely feel tethered to the end of a very reactive Yo-Yo string as currency moves in one session are faded in the next. 

Stephen Innes, Chief Global Market Strategist at AxiCorp in a note to Nairametrics, wrote about the present market volatility in

Слайд 5Dictionary
Gains – прибыль
Safe-haven currency – валютное убежище
To rally -

мобилизироватьCurrency – валюта
Demand – спрос
Defensive assets – защитные

Volatility – непостоянный
Yo-Yo string as currency moves in one session are faded in the next
Dictionary Gains – прибыль Safe-haven currency – валютное убежищеTo rally - мобилизироватьCurrency – валюта Demand – спрос Defensive

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