Разделы презентаций

Welcome back 


Plan for today:1) We will learn everything that is connected with the 2nd task of speaking part 2) Practise answering the questions 3) Learn the phrasal verb “turn”4) Work on 19-25

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Welcome back 

Welcome back 

Слайд 2Plan for today:
1) We will learn everything that is connected

with the 2nd task of speaking part
2) Practise answering

the questions
3) Learn the phrasal verb “turn”
4) Work on 19-25 tasks of RNE
5) Listen to the song and work with the vocabulary from it

Plan for today:1) We will learn everything that is connected with the 2nd task of speaking part

Слайд 5was


Слайд 6was
was played

wasgreatestwas played

Слайд 7was
was played
was made

wasgreatestwas playedwas made

Слайд 8was
was played
was made

wasgreatestwas playedwas mademe

Слайд 9was
was played
was made
was invented

wasgreatestwas playedwas mademewas invented

Слайд 13это вопрос, грамматически оформленный как вопросительное предложение.

это вопрос, грамматически оформленный как вопросительное предложение.

Слайд 14это вопрос, грамматически оформленный как вопросительное предложение.
этo вoпpoc, пepeдaнный в

фopмe кocвeннoй peчи.

это вопрос, грамматически оформленный как вопросительное предложение.этo вoпpoc, пepeдaнный в фopмe кocвeннoй peчи.

Слайд 15это вопрос, грамматически оформленный как вопросительное предложение.
этo вoпpoc, пepeдaнный в

фopмe кocвeннoй peчи.

Could you tell me
Do you know
I was wondering

you have any idea
I’d like to know
Would it be possible
Is there any chance
это вопрос, грамматически оформленный как вопросительное предложение.этo вoпpoc, пepeдaнный в фopмe кocвeннoй peчи.Could you tell meDo you

Слайд 18невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либо

невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либо

Слайд 19невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либо
He turned against me, but I didn’t

care as passing the exams well was the main priority

back then
невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либоHe turned against me, but I didn’t care as passing the exams well was

Слайд 20невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либо
He turned against me, but I didn’t

care as passing the exams well was the main priority

back then

улучшить, изменить к лучшему

невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либоHe turned against me, but I didn’t care as passing the exams well was

Слайд 21невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либо
He turned against me, but I didn’t

care as passing the exams well was the main priority

back then

улучшить, изменить к лучшему

The fact that I moved to another city turned around the relationship with my parents

невзлюбить, настроить против кого-либоHe turned against me, but I didn’t care as passing the exams well was

Слайд 23прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от

Слайд 24прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!

Слайд 25прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!
поворачивать назад, возвращать(ся)

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!поворачивать

Слайд 26прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!
поворачивать назад, возвращать(ся)
We were

planning to go campig, but had to turn back because of bad weather
прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!поворачивать

Слайд 27прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!
поворачивать назад, возвращать(ся)
We were

planning to go campig, but had to turn back because of bad weather

Отклонить (предложение); убавить (звук, газ)

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!поворачивать

Слайд 28прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!
поворачивать назад, возвращать(ся)
We were

planning to go campig, but had to turn back because of bad weather

Отклонить (предложение); убавить (звук, газ)

My suggestion to go out was turned down and now I’m lying on the floor and crying

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!поворачивать

Слайд 29прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!
поворачивать назад, возвращать(ся)
We were

planning to go campig, but had to turn back because of bad weather

Отклонить (предложение); убавить (звук, газ)

My suggestion to go out was turned down and now I’m lying on the floor and crying

выдать полиции

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!поворачивать

Слайд 30прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться от
I could hardly turn my

bff away in such a terrible situation!
поворачивать назад, возвращать(ся)
We were

planning to go campig, but had to turn back because of bad weather

Отклонить (предложение); убавить (звук, газ)

My suggestion to go out was turned down and now I’m lying on the floor and crying

выдать полиции

She was a very honest girl, so she couldn’t hold back and turned herself in to local police

прогонять, не пускать; (from) отворачиваться отI could hardly turn my bff away in such a terrible situation!поворачивать

Слайд 32превратиться в; превращать

превратиться в; превращать

Слайд 33превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline

превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadline

Слайд 34превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline
выключить; терять интерес, наскучить

превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadlineвыключить;

Слайд 35превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline
выключить; терять интерес, наскучить

way my Math teacher talks usually turns me off
превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadlineвыключить;

Слайд 36превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline
выключить; терять интерес, наскучить

way my Math teacher talks usually turns me off


превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadlineвыключить;

Слайд 37превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline
выключить; терять интерес, наскучить

way my Math teacher talks usually turns me off


Turn on the TV, please. There’s Kylie Jenner explaining the reason of breaking up with Travis.

превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadlineвыключить;

Слайд 38превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline
выключить; терять интерес, наскучить

way my Math teacher talks usually turns me off


Turn on the TV, please. There’s Kylie Jenner explaining the reason of breaking up with Travis.

обнаружить, оказаться; вывернуть (карман)

превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadlineвыключить;

Слайд 39превратиться в; превращать
I turn into a TRUE DEMON when you

don’t do your homework before the deadline
выключить; терять интерес, наскучить

way my Math teacher talks usually turns me off


Turn on the TV, please. There’s Kylie Jenner explaining the reason of breaking up with Travis.

обнаружить, оказаться; вывернуть (карман)

It turns out that Instasamka is a bitch 

превратиться в; превращатьI turn into a TRUE DEMON when you don’t do your homework before the deadlineвыключить;

Слайд 41переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)

переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)

Слайд 42переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)
While I was

doing my homework and turning the pages over, my cat

was turning over the TV programs.
переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)While I was doing my homework and turning the pages

Слайд 43переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)
While I was

doing my homework and turning the pages over, my cat

was turning over the TV programs.

обратиться с просьбой к кому-либо; обратиться к чему-то

переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)While I was doing my homework and turning the pages

Слайд 44переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)
While I was

doing my homework and turning the pages over, my cat

was turning over the TV programs.

обратиться с просьбой к кому-либо; обратиться к чему-то

I’m so grateful that I have you in my life! You can always turn to for an advice and I’ll do my best to help.

переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)While I was doing my homework and turning the pages

Слайд 45переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)
While I was

doing my homework and turning the pages over, my cat

was turning over the TV programs.

обратиться с просьбой к кому-либо; обратиться к чему-то

I’m so grateful that I have you in my life! You can always turn to for an advice and I’ll do my best to help.

неожиданно появиться, приехать

переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)While I was doing my homework and turning the pages

Слайд 46переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)
While I was

doing my homework and turning the pages over, my cat

was turning over the TV programs.

обратиться с просьбой к кому-либо; обратиться к чему-то

I’m so grateful that I have you in my life! You can always turn to for an advice and I’ll do my best to help.

неожиданно появиться, приехать

In ten years I’m going to turn up for the party with my classmates in an expensive car.

переключить (канал); перевернуть (лист); повернуться (на другой бок)While I was doing my homework and turning the pages

Слайд 47 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned _____ that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn _____ the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned _____ at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned _____ a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn _____ to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn _____ your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned _____ that she had known him

Слайд 48 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn _____ the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned _____ at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned _____ a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn _____ to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn _____ your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 49 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned _____ at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned _____ a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn _____ to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn _____ your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 50 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned UP at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned _____ a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn _____ to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn _____ your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 51 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned UP at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned INTO a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn _____ to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn _____ your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 52 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned UP at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned INTO a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn OVER to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn _____ your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 53 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned UP at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned INTO a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn OVER to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn OFF your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn _____ for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 54 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned UP at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned INTO a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn OVER to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn OFF your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn TO for advice.
8. He turned _____ the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

Слайд 55 down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up
1. It

turned OUT that she had known him since childhood.

Will you turn ON the television, please? It’s time for my favourite soap.
3. She turned UP at my house late one night.
4. His first novel was turned INTO a television serial.
5. This programme is really boring. Let’s turn OVER to another channel.
6. Don’t forget to turn OFF your computer when you leave home.
7. Her family lived a long way away, and she had no one to turn TO for advice.
8. He turned DOWN the job because it involved too much travelling.
down, into, off, on, out, over, to, up1. It turned OUT that she had known him

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