Разделы презентаций


1. Support dissemination of research results for the full benefit of the society.Make sure researchers are merited for disseminating research results beyond academia and for interacting with heritage, culture, and society.Make

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Research is international. That's the way we like it!

keeps locally relevant research alive. Protect it!
Disseminating research results

in your own language creates impact. Endorse it!
It is vital to interact with society and share knowledge beyond academia. Promote it!
Infrastructure of scholarly communication in national languages is fragile. Don't lose it!

Policy-makers, leaders, universities, research institutions, research funders, libraries, and researchers are invited to sign the Helsinki Initiative to promote multilingualism in scholarly communication:



Research is international. That's the way we like it! Multilingualism keeps locally relevant research alive. Protect it!

Слайд 21. Support dissemination of research results for the full benefit

of the society.
Make sure researchers are merited for disseminating research

results beyond academia and for interacting with heritage, culture, and society.
Make sure equal access to researched knowledge is provided in a variety of languages.
2. Protect national infrastructures for publishing locally relevant research.
Make sure not-for-profit journals and book publishers have both sufficient resources and the support needed to maintain high standards of quality control and research integrity.
Make sure national journals and book publishers are safeguarded in their transition to open access.
3. Promote language diversity in research assessment, evaluation, and funding systems.
Make sure that in the process of expert-based evaluation, high quality research is valued regardless of the publishing language or publication channel.
Make sure that when metrics-based systems are utilized, journal and book publications in all languages are adequately taken into account.


1. Support dissemination of research results for the full benefit of the society.Make sure researchers are merited

Слайд 3Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)
Co-operative body for 275 learned

societies. Supports scholarly communication and publishing, promotes awareness and usage

of research results, coordinated open science agenda.
Committee for Public Information (TJNK)
Expert body attached to the Ministry of Education and Culture that coordinates and promotes the dissemination of information.
Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing
The mission is to strengthen the role of scientific publications, and to support the international community's interaction for the development of scholarly publishing.
Universities Norway (UHR)
Universities Norway is a cooperative body for 33 accredited universities and university colleges.
European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities (ENRESSH)
COST Action bringing together more than 125 participants from 36 countries to propose clear best practices in the field of SSH research evaluation.


Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)Co-operative body for 275 learned societies. Supports scholarly communication and publishing, promotes

Слайд 4Sign the initiative as an individual or organization.
Translate the initiative

to your own language.
Spread the word about the initiative to

your colleagues.
Take part in the #InAllLanguages -campaign in the social media.
"In all languages" campaign is a wake-up call for policy-makers, leaders, universities, research institutions, research funders, libraries, and researchers to promote multilingualism in scholarly communication. Participate by posting in Twitter or Facebook a statement or video of your or your colleagues' support for multilingualism in scholarly communication, of course #InAllLanguages.
Write about the Initiative in your language.
Defining key terms in context is an essential task for signatories of this initiative. The founding signatories are aware of significant structural differences in scholarly communication between countries and disciplines. Thus no universal definitions are valid and dialogue in defining terms is considered an essential element in developing a stronger scholarly communication across the world. For inspiration, read the ENRESSH statement supporting the Helsinki Initiative.


Sign the initiative as an individual or organization.Translate the initiative to your own language.Spread the word about




MORE INFORMATIONWebsite: www.helsinki-initiative.orgEmail: helsinki-initiative@tsv.fi Hashtag:#InAllLanguages

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