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Work and Study

Future Simple will +VFor predictions about the future (usually with the verbs hope, think, believe, expect, imagine;With the expressions I’m sure, I’m afraid; With the adverbs

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Слайд 1Work and Study
Module 3

Work and StudyModule 3GrammarPrezentacii.com

Слайд 2 Future Simple will +V
For predictions

about the future
(usually with the verbs hope, think, believe,

expect, imagine;
With the expressions I’m sure, I’m afraid;
With the adverbs probably, perhaps).
I believe he will pass the exam.
He will be probably late.
For promises
I promise I’ll do it.
For on- the –spot decisions
I’m so tired I’ll take a break


Future Simple    will +VFor predictions about the future (usually with the verbs

Слайд 3For threats If you don’t study hard you will

fail your exams. For hopes, fears, offers, promises, warnings, requests, predictions,

comments, etc. especially with: expect, hope, believe, I’m sure, I’m afraid, probably I hope she will help me tomorrow. For things you are not yet sure about or we haven’t decided to do it yet. May be I’ll go to the theatre on Sunday. I/we –shall –used in the interrogative form when we make suggestions, offers or asking for advice. Shall we go out later? Time expressions: tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week/month/year, tonight, soon, in a week/month, year.
For threats   If you don’t study hard you will fail your exams. For hopes, fears,

Слайд 4Future Continuous - will be+Ving
For actions which will be

in progress at a stated future time.

This time next year I will be sunbathing in Barbados
For actions which will definitely happen in the future as a result of a routine or arrangement.
She will be driving to the Crimea tonight.
When we asking politely about someone’s
plans for the near future.
Will you be watching the show tonight?

Future Continuous - will be+Ving For actions which will be in progress at a stated future time.

Слайд 5For the actions which will be finished before a stated

future time She will have written her report

by 5 o’clock. Time expressions used with the future perfect tense: before, by, by then, by the time. Till/until By the time By the time she finishes her essay she will have worked for two hours The Future simple is not used after while, before, until, as soon as, after, if, by the time, as We use present Simple or Present Perfect instead I’ll go to the cinema if I finish (have finished) cleaning my room.

Future Perfect - will have +V3

For the actions which will be finished before a stated future time    She will

Слайд 6 er to build –builder

to work –worker

to teach –teacher or to act – actor to invent- inventor TO CONDUCT - CONDUCTOR Ist NOVEL –NOVELIST PIANO –PIANIST IAN MUSIC –MUSICIAN LIBRARY –LIBRARIAN

Forming Personal Nouns

er  to build –builder         to work –worker

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