Разделы презентаций

Age limits (Возрастные ограничения)

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What age young people can…?

What age young people can…?

Слайд 2Young people in Britain can…

Young people in Britain can…

Слайд 3Young people in Russia can…

Young people in Russia can…

Слайд 4Young people can…

Young people can…

Слайд 5Put to into the gaps where it is

I want him … help me.

She was not permitted

… attend any school activities.

Some people let their kids … do whatever they like.

I can’t make him … learn the rules by heart.





Put  to  into the gaps where it is necessaryI want him …  help me.She

Слайд 65. The rain made us … come home.

6. My

parents wouldn’t allow me … go to the party.


He was forbidden … leave the house.

8. Let Marat … have go on the computer.

Put to into the gaps where it is necessary





5. The rain made us …  come home.6. My parents wouldn’t allow me …  go

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