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Британские суеверия 7 класс

1. Lucky to meet a black cat (that's opposite russian Superstitions). Black cats are featured on many good luck greeting cards and birthday cards in England.

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Слайд 1British Superstitions

British Superstitions

Слайд 31. Lucky to meet a black cat (that's opposite russian

Superstitions). Black cats are featured on many good luck greeting

cards and birthday cards in England.
1. Lucky to meet a black cat (that's opposite russian Superstitions). Black cats are featured on many

Слайд 42. Lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves

(in China = death)

2. Lucky to find a clover plant with four leaves (in China = death)

Слайд 5 3. White heather is lucky.

3. White heather is lucky.

Слайд 64. A horseshoe over the door brings good luck. But

the horseshoe needs to be right way up. The luck

runs out of the horseshoe if it upside down.
4. A horseshoe over the door brings good luck. But the horseshoe needs to be right way

Слайд 75.On the first day of the month it is lucky

to say "white rabbit". It must be the first word

of the day.
5.On the first day of the month it is lucky to say

Слайд 8 6.Catch falling leaves in Autumn and you will have

good luck. Every leaf means a lucky month next year.

6.Catch falling leaves in Autumn and you will have good luck. Every leaf means a

Слайд 9 7.Putting money in the pocket of new clothes brings

good luck.

7.Putting money in the pocket of new clothes brings good luck.

Слайд 108. If you see two magpies you'll be happy.

8. If you see two magpies you'll be happy.

Слайд 111. Never open an umbrella in the house.

1. Never open an umbrella in the house.

Слайд 122.Never break a mirror-that means 7 years bad luck.

2.Never break a mirror-that means 7 years bad luck.

Слайд 13 3. Don't go past somebody on the stairs.

3. Don't go past somebody on the stairs.

Слайд 144. The number 13 is very unluck (and Friday the

13th is a very unluck date)

4. The number 13 is very unluck (and Friday the 13th is a very unluck date)

Слайд 155.Don't walk under the ladder.

5.Don't walk under the ladder.

Слайд 166.Meeting with bats.

6.Meeting with bats.

Слайд 17Nobody wears a charm in my group. Helen and Mike

catch filling leaves in autumn. Viktor doesn't think it is

good to walk under the ladder. kate and I have horseshoe over the door.
Nobody wears a charm in my group. Helen and Mike catch filling leaves in autumn. Viktor doesn't

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