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Description of winter in Moscow 6 класс

Usual weather in RegionNormally the weather in Moscow is very frosty. the temperature is below zero. And often snowfall.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Description of winter in Moscow
Работа выполнена Хохловой Анной 6 «А»

Description of winter in MoscowРабота выполнена Хохловой Анной 6 «А»

Слайд 2Usual weather in Region
Normally the weather in Moscow is very

frosty. the temperature is below zero. And often snowfall.

Usual weather in RegionNormally the weather in Moscow is very frosty. the temperature is below zero. And

Слайд 3Activities tourists
usually tourists can go skiing and ice skating

Activities touristsusually tourists can go skiing and ice skating

Слайд 4what to wear in good or bad weather ?
in good

weather, you can wear boots and a jacket, in bad

weather you need to wear a warm jacket and warm boots
what to wear in good or bad weather ?in good weather, you can wear boots and a

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