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Do You Like Tea? 5-11 класс

The aim and the tasksThe aim of my project is to learn more about teaThe tasks of the project are: 1) to collect material; 2) to study the collected material; 3)

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Слайд 1Do You Like Tea?

Kirill Razdivilov
Class 6 “B”
Lyceum № 4
Teacher: M. Babushkina

Saratov - 2015
Do You Like Tea?

Слайд 2The aim and the tasks
The aim of my project is

to learn more about tea
The tasks of the project are:

1) to collect material;
2) to study the collected material;
3) to ask classmates what they know about tea;
4) to make a conclusion.

The aim and the tasksThe aim of my project is to learn more about teaThe tasks of

Слайд 3General Facts

Tea is well-known as a popular drink in all

parts of the world. People drink tea in Asia, Europe,

America Australia etc.
But there were times when people knew nothing about this drink.
General FactsTea is well-known as a popular drink in all parts of the world. People drink tea

Слайд 4The History of Tea

The discovery of tea is referred to

the Chinese Emperor and father of Chinese medicine Shen Loon,

who lived in China 2700 BC.
The History of TeaThe discovery of tea is referred to the Chinese Emperor and father of Chinese

Слайд 5The Cultivation of Tea
The Chinese began to cultivate tea

The word tea appeared later. It was pronounced as

Its hieroglyph was shown as a tree with flowers and leaves with a man among them.
It was a symbol of harmony of a man and nature.
The Cultivation of Tea The Chinese began to cultivate tea plants. The word tea appeared later. It

Слайд 6The History of Tea in Russia

The first tea was brought

to Russia by the Chinese in 1618. The popularity of

tea increased rapidly and soon it became the most popular drink in Russia.
The History of Tea in RussiaThe first tea was brought to Russia by the Chinese in 1618.

Слайд 7Tea Consumption in Russia
Strong welding;
It is often drunk with

lemon and sugar
It is drunk together
with desserts

It is a cheap product.
Tea Consumption in RussiaStrong welding;It is often drunk with  lemon and sugarIt is drunk together

Слайд 8The History of Tea in Europe
Tea was brought to Europe

by the Portuguese in the 17th century. At first tea

was sold in France, Holland, and Germany. Later it appeared in England.
The History of Tea in EuropeTea was brought to Europe by the Portuguese in the 17th century.

Слайд 9The Popularity of Tea in England
Tea quickly became popular in

London’s society, it could be found in every café, and

it became fashionable even among intellectuals.
The Popularity of Tea in EnglandTea quickly became popular in London’s society, it could be found in

Слайд 10My Investigation

My Investigation

Слайд 11Conclusion
1 The history of tea is very interesting.
2 Tea is

a healthy and popular drink.
3 We must know more about


Conclusion1 The history of tea is very interesting.2 Tea is a healthy and popular drink.3 We must

Слайд 12Thank you for the attention

Thank you for the attention

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