Разделы презентаций

Domestic animals

Have (Has) = иметь A henA duckA cowA gooseA horseA pigA goatA sheephas

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Domestic animals
Френдак Галина Емельяновна,
Учитель английского языка
Копьёвской средней школы

Domestic animals Френдак Галина Емельяновна,Учитель английского языкаКопьёвской средней школы

Слайд 3Have (Has) = иметь
A hen
A duck
A cow
A goose
A horse

A goat
A sheep

Have (Has) = иметь A henA duckA cowA gooseA horseA pigA goatA sheephas

Слайд 4The hen has a chicken.
What does it say?
Cheep, cheep, cheep,

All through the day.

The hen has a chicken.What does it say?Cheep, cheep, cheep, cheep,All through the day.

Слайд 5The duck has a duckling.
What does it say?
Qwack, qwack, qwack

through the day.

The duck has a duckling.What does it say?Qwack, qwack, qwackAll through the day.

Слайд 6The sheep has a lamb
What does it say?
Baa, baa, baa,

All through the day

The sheep has a lambWhat does it say?Baa, baa, baa, baaAll through the day

Слайд 7The pig has a piglet.
What does it say?
Khrju, khrju, khrju

through the day

The pig has a piglet.What does it say?Khrju, khrju, khrjuAll through the day

Слайд 8The cat has a kitten.
What does it say?
Mew, mew, mew,

All through the day.

The cat has a kitten.What does it say?Mew, mew, mew, mewAll through the day.

Слайд 9The dog has a puppy.
What does it say?
Bow, bow, bow,

All through the day.

The dog has a puppy.What does it say?Bow, bow, bow, bowAll through the day.

Слайд 10The caw has a calf.
What does it say?
Mu, mu, mu,

All through the day.

The caw has a calf.What does it say?Mu, mu, mu, muAll through the day.

Слайд 11The horse has a foal.
What does it say?
Jogogo, jogogo, jogogo

through the day

The horse has a foal.What does it say?Jogogo, jogogo, jogogoAll through the day

Слайд 12The she-goat has a kid.
What does it say?
Me, me, me,

All through the day

The she-goat has a kid.What does it say?Me, me, me, meAll through the day

Слайд 13The goose has a gosling.
What does it say?
Ga, ga, ga,

All through the day.

The goose has a gosling.What does it say?Ga, ga, ga, gaAll through the day.

Слайд 14The snail has a baby.
What does it say?
It doesn’t say

All through the day.

The snail has a baby.What does it say?It doesn’t say anythingAll through the day.

Слайд 16Использованные ресурсы
http://photopolygon.com/photo/fit/658/1950/11274.jpg.700 курица с цыпленком
http://img3.proshkolu.ru/content/media/pic/std/2000000/1472000/1471205-4372c6afeaaef3f3.jpg утка с утенком
http://www.bugaga.ru/uploads/posts/2011-03/thumbs/1300959243_1-22.jpg овца с

http://www.kakprosto.ru/sites/kakprosto/files/images/a1ac07a33aa13f6575625e16a443084a/main-e8944589583c192780a44cc28a67252a.jpg свинья с поросенком
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/522951_10150867923609518_853550555_n.jpg кошка с котенком
http://s39.radikal.ru/i085/1108/1f/1778222465a0.jpg собака с

http://страна-лукоморье.рф/UserFiles/Image/ylitka.jpg улитка
http://www.proza.ru/pics/2013/02/28/949.jpg корова с теленком
http://www.motto.net.ua/pic/201210/2560x1600/motto.net.ua-39623.jpg лошадь с жеребенком
http://minsk.freeads.by/content/root/users/2012/20120627/visitor/images/201206/f20120627122645-koza-rogataja.jpg коза с козленком
http://y.delfi.ee/norm/118877/6260697_Z9pXMU.jpeg гусь с гусенком
http://my-shop.ru/_files/product/3/116/1158827.jpg ферма
http://igranadom.ru/uploadedFiles/eshopimages/big/vkladysh.jpg ферма
http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/31/46375118.50/0_996f6_d0fdd3d6_XL фон
http://stat20.privet.ru/lr/0b2e182eecf29fd551e18087524f2a78 титульная рамка

Использованные ресурсыhttp://photopolygon.com/photo/fit/658/1950/11274.jpg.700 курица с цыпленкомhttp://img3.proshkolu.ru/content/media/pic/std/2000000/1472000/1471205-4372c6afeaaef3f3.jpg утка с утенкомhttp://www.bugaga.ru/uploads/posts/2011-03/thumbs/1300959243_1-22.jpg овца с ягненкомhttp://www.kakprosto.ru/sites/kakprosto/files/images/a1ac07a33aa13f6575625e16a443084a/main-e8944589583c192780a44cc28a67252a.jpg свинья с поросенком http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/522951_10150867923609518_853550555_n.jpg кошка с


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