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Еда. Что мы любим кушать.

If we have much food It’s very good. Cheese for breakfast, Coffee, ham and toast. Butter you can add Oh, it’s really not bad . FOOD.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Еда.
Что мы любим кушать.
Презентация по английскому языку
6 класс

Крикунова В.А.
учитель , МОУ Бессоновская СОШ
Белгородского района
Белгородской области

Учебник “Enjoy

English” (Английский с удовольствием) для 6 класса, М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н. Трубанева, Обнинск: «Титул», 2008г

Еда. Что мы любим кушать. Презентация по английскому языку6 классВыполнила: Крикунова В.А.учитель , МОУ Бессоновская СОШБелгородского района

Слайд 2 If we have much food
It’s very good.

Cheese for breakfast,
Coffee, ham and toast.

Butter you can add
Oh, it’s really not bad .


If we have much food It’s very good. Cheese for breakfast, Coffee, ham and toast. Butter

Слайд 3Before you listen and watch

Read these questions:

A. What do the

milkmen do?
B. Do British people often eat bacon and eggs

for breakfast?
C. When do British usually have lunch?
D. When do they usually have their evening meal?
E. Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many countries?
F. Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?
Before you listen and watchRead these questions:A. What do the milkmen do?B. Do British people often eat

Слайд 4After you listen and watch
Answer these questions:

A. What do the

milkmen do?
B. Do British people often eat bacon and eggs

for breakfast?
C. When do British usually have lunch?
D. When do they usually have their evening meal?
E. Does London have a lot of foreign restaurants? From how many countries?
F. Do British people really eat a lot of fish and chips?

Give the names of some traditional British food.

After you listen and watchAnswer these questions:A. What do the milkmen do?B. Do British people often eat

Слайд 5Find the names of food

Find the names of food

Слайд 71. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. Place chicken and

water in a large pot for 30 minutes.
3. Stir

the flour, sugar and salt together to combine.
4. Put the prepared vegetables in a bowl. Add some olives.
5. Cut tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper. Separate onion slices into rings.
6. Add carrots, celery, onion to the broth.
7. Add some water and make the dough.
8. Peel and slice the apples to make the filling.
9. Chop celery leaves and add into the pot with the noodles.
10. Pour on some dressing and add Feta Cheese.

1. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.2. Place chicken and water in a large pot for 30



Слайд 9Make your choice
Circle the odd word out.

Mark 3
Apple, banana, carrot, orange.
Breakfast, lunch, coffee, dinner.
Milk, bread, cheese, butter.
Tea, milk, coffee, cheese.
Biscuit, honey, butter, sweets.

Make your choiceCircle the odd word out.

Слайд 10Make your choice
Choose the correct preposition. Circle it.

Mark 4
1. Russian borsch is made of/from cabbage, potato, onion, and beetroot.
2. Cake is made of/from butter, sugar, chocolate.
3. Salad is made of/from tomatoes, cucumbers.
4. Sausage is made is made of /from meat.
5. Omelet is made of /from eggs and milk.

Make your choiceChoose the correct preposition. Circle it.

Слайд 11Make your choice
Read about Nick, John, and Kate, whose

food is it?

Mark 5
Nick likes meat-and-salad sandwiches, fruit juice but he doesn't like apples. John likes cheese sandwiches and mineral water, but he is not a sweet-tooth. Kate likes ham-and-vegetables sandwiches and fruit juice, but she doesn't like oranges.

Make your choice Read about Nick, John, and Kate, whose food is it?

Слайд 12Make your choice
Circle the odd word out.

Mark 3
Apple, banana, carrot, orange.
Breakfast, lunch, coffee, dinner.
Milk, bread, cheese, butter.
Tea, milk, coffee, cheese.
Biscuit, honey, butter, sweets.

Make your choiceCircle the odd word out.

Слайд 13Make your choice
Choose the correct preposition. Circle it.

Mark 4
1. Russian borsch is made of/from cabbage, potato, onion, and beetroot.
2. Cake is made of/from butter, sugar, chocolate.
3. Salad is made of/from tomatoes, cucumbers.
4. Sausage is made is made of /from meat.
5. Cheese is made of /from milk.

Make your choiceChoose the correct preposition. Circle it.

Слайд 14Make your choice
Read about Nick, John, and Kate, whose food

is it?

Mark 5
Nick likes meat-and-salad sandwiches, fruit juice but he doesn't like apples. John likes cheese sandwiches and mineral water, but he is not a sweet-tooth. Kate likes ham-and-vegetables sandwiches and fruit juice, but she doesn't like oranges.

Make your choiceRead about Nick, John, and Kate, whose food is it?

Слайд 15welcome to our cafe

welcome to our cafe



Слайд 17Thanks a lot
for your work.

Thanks a lot for your work.

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