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Extreme natural phenomena 8 класс

Rainbow at nightIs the sailor’s delight.Rainbow at morning,Sailor, take warning! Evening red and morning grey

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Слайд 2Rainbow at night
Is the sailor’s delight.
Rainbow at morning,
Sailor, take warning!

Evening red and morning grey
Are the signs of a bonny day.
Evening grey and morning red
Bring down rain on the
farmer’s head.
Rainbow at nightIs the sailor’s delight.Rainbow at morning,Sailor, take warning!

Слайд 3Meanings of the words
Drought/ draut/ - a period of time


Flood/ fl∩d/ - large amount of water that covers an area which is usually dry
Tornado/ tƆ:’neidoʊ/ - a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast
Tsunami/ tsunami/ - a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land
Meanings of the wordsDrought/ draut/ - a period of time without

Слайд 4Meanings of the words
Earthquake /ɜ:’ϴkweik/ -a shaking of the ground

saikloʊn/ - a violent tropical storm in which the air

goes round and round
Avalanche/ ǽvəla:ntʃ/ - a large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain
Hurricane/ h∩rikən/ an extremely violent wind or storm
Meanings of the wordsEarthquake /ɜ:’ϴkweik/ -a shaking of the groundCyclone/ saikloʊn/ - a violent tropical storm in



Слайд 121.An eclipse
2.A tsunami
3.A typhoon
4.A hurricane
5.A tornado
6.An eruption
7.An earthquake
8.A flood

a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rains.

a process when a volcano explodes inside and flames, rocks and lava come out of the top.
c. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.
d. a short period when all or part of the Sun or Moon becomes dark because of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth in relation to each other.
e. a tropical storm with strong winds
f. a sudden shaking movement of the ground
g. a very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel
h. a very large wave that causes a lot of damage when it hits the land
1.An eclipse2.A tsunami3.A typhoon4.A hurricane 5.A tornado6.An eruption7.An earthquake8.A flooda. a violent storm with extremely strong winds

Слайд 14Follow the lines

Follow the lines

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