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География Австралии!

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Слайд 1ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ «География Австралии!»

выполнена учителем
МОУ лицея №10


Волгоград, 2014г.

ПРЕЗЕНТАЦИЯ  «География Австралии!» выполнена учителем МОУ лицея №10 г.Волгограда Апраксиной Л.АВолгоград, 2014г.

Слайд 2


Слайд 3
How Can We Get to Australia?
The total distance from Moscow,

Russia to Sydney, Australia is 9,001 miles. This is equivalent

to 14,486 kilometers or 7,822 nautical miles.



How Can We Get to Australia?The total distance from Moscow, Russia to Sydney, Australia is 9,001 miles.

Слайд 4

Your travel direction from Moscow to Sydney is East (93

degrees from North). Travel Time: 18 hours by plane.

Your travel direction from Moscow to Sydney is East (93 degrees from North). Travel Time: 18 hours

Слайд 5Time difference
When you are in Sydney, subtract:
■ 1

hour to find local time in Tokyo
■ 2 hours- in

Hong Kong
■ 9 hours- in Paris
■ 10 hours- in London
■ 15 hours- in New York
■ 18 hours- in San Francisco

Time difference When you are in Sydney, subtract: ■ 1 hour to find local time in Tokyo■

Слайд 6
During your flight to Sydney you will stop at Tokyo,

Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong or Bangkok and at last arrive

at Sydney airport.
During your flight to Sydney you will stop at Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul, Hong Kong or Bangkok and

Australia is considered to be the smallest of seven continents

and the sixth biggest state. Australia is situated between the

South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is made up of two islands.

GEOGRAPHY	Australia is considered to be the smallest of seven continents and the sixth biggest state. Australia is

Слайд 8 Australia is extremely close to other island nations. To the

north are: Papa New Guinea, Indonesia and part of Malaysia.

Additional to the north are the Philippines and Asian mainland. Australian land mass of nearly 7.7 million km² makes it the sixth largest country in area after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil.
Australia is extremely close to other island nations. To the north are: Papa New Guinea, Indonesia and

Слайд 9
National parks
Australia has over 500 national parks. Over 28

million hectares of land is designated as national park-land, accounting

for almost four per cent of Australia's land areas. In addition, a further six per cent of Australia is protected and includes state forests, nature parks and conservation reserves.
National parks 	Australia has over 500 national parks. Over 28 million hectares of land is designated as

Слайд 10Australia is the flattest and (after Antarctica) the driest of

conti-nents. Huge areas of land are so dry that they

are uninhabited. There are rainforests and vast plains in the north, snowfields in the south east, desert in the centre and fertile croplands in the east, south and south west. About one third of the country lies in the tropics.
Australia is the flattest and (after Antarctica) the driest of conti-nents. Huge areas of land are so

Слайд 11Mountain ranges run from north to south along the east

coast, reaching their highest point in Mount Kosciusko (7,308 ft;

2,228 m).
The Great Barrier Reef, extending about 1,245 miles, lies along the north-east coast.
Mountain ranges run from north to south along the east coast, reaching their highest point in Mount


Для презентации использована следующая информация с Интернета:
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography of Australia
Political geography;

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography of Australia
Australia Interactive Factbook: GEOGRAPHY, www.theodora.com/wfb/australia geography.htm
Geography and Climate.

Australia's Land Mass; Geographical and Climatic Features

ЛИТЕРАТУРА.Для презентации использована следующая информация с Интернета:www.airtour.australia-ru.comen.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography of AustraliaPolitical geography;  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography of AustraliaAustralia Interactive Factbook: GEOGRAPHY,

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