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Hampton 8 класс

Boys after 13 come here passing 13+ Common Entrance exams. After the 5th form all boys take GCSE exam in English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, then they may choose to pass

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Слайд 1Hampton school is a private grammar academic school for boys.

General Information

Hampton school is a private grammar academic school for boys.I General Information

Слайд 2Boys after 13 come here passing 13+ Common Entrance exams.

After the 5th form all boys take GCSE exam in

English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, then they may choose to pass one of the Modern Languages ( French, Spanish, German), Biology, Chemistry and Physics together with three other subjects. After the 6th form the pass A level exam.


I General Information

Boys after 13 come here passing 13+ Common Entrance exams. After the 5th form all boys take

Слайд 3II. Brief History.
Hampton School was founded in 1557 by Robert

Hammond, a local businessmen. The School became independent in 1975

and remains independent to the present day.

II. Brief History.Hampton School was founded in 1557 by Robert Hammond, a local businessmen. The School became

Слайд 4II. Brief History.
Famous “Old Yellow Face Clock”.It was given

to the School by William Jackson – Chairman of the

Hampton Free School in the 19th century.

The School museum.

II. Brief History. Famous “Old Yellow Face Clock”.It was given to the School by William Jackson –

Слайд 5there are some school facilities, which were built in the

last 33 years:

1) Music building.

2) Drama building.
3) New School Library

4) Sports Hall

there are some school facilities, which were built in the last 33 years:1) Music building.2) Drama building.3)

Слайд 6Classes start at 9.00.

There are 5 classes each morning

with a 20-minute break after the first 3 classes. After

the lunch break students attend extra-curricular activities. They are a lot. Last lesson finishes at 4 p.m.

There are no lessons on Saturday.

Boys and staff are involved in sports. Boys organized in forms of about 25 or a little more. Each form has a form Tutor.

Classes start at 9.00. There are 5 classes each morning with a 20-minute break after the first

Слайд 7At GCSE boys study 7 core subjects and choose 3

Foundations according to their interests.



Art -Drama
-Business -Economics
Studies -Government
modern and Politics
-Classics -computer
-Critical Technologies
thinking -learning support
-Design Library
Technology -music
- pe -Psychology

At GCSE boys study 7 core subjects and choose 3 Foundations according to their interests.CORE SUBJECTS: -English-Mathematics-Chemistry

Слайд 8IV. Extra- curricular activities.

Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities

– sports, music, playing musical instruments, drama, arts. In games

very high standards are achieved in rugby, golf, cricket, athletics, tennis and many others.

IV. Extra- curricular activities.Much attention is paid to extracurricular activities – sports, music, playing musical instruments, drama,

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