Разделы презентаций

Information in the modern world

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Information in the modern world

Information in the modern world

Слайд 2Mass media

Mass media

Слайд 4Sources of Information

Sources of Information

Слайд 6Press in Britain

Press in Britain

Слайд 8Press in britain

Press in britain

Слайд 10Problem: Is it real to find certain information in british

What should we do?

Problem: Is it real to find certain information in british press?What should we do?

Слайд 11Findind information
to focus

weather forecast

Findind informationheadlinecondensedcelebritycrimeto focusintriguingweather forecastfinancialtabloidbroadsheet

Слайд 12Finding information

1.Skim the text and find the name two main

kinds of the newspapers in Britain.

2. Scan the text and

answer the teacher`s questions.
Finding information1.Skim the text and find the name two main kinds of the newspapers in Britain.2. Scan

Слайд 13Choosing information
Find the best Russian equivalents:
b) жёлтая пресса;

лёгкое чтение.
a) независимая газета;
b) серьёзная газета;
с) широкоформатная газета

Choosing informationFind the best Russian equivalents:Tabloida)таблоид; b) жёлтая пресса; с) лёгкое чтение.Broadsheeta) независимая газета; b) серьёзная газета;

Слайд 14Which of this newspapers are tabloids or broadsheets ?

Which of this newspapers are tabloids or broadsheets ?

Слайд 15Broadsheets

The Independent
The Times
The Guardian

The Sun
The Daily Express
The Daily Mirror
The Daily

The Metro

Broadsheets          TabloidsThe IndependentThe TimesThe GuardianThe SunThe Daily ExpressThe

Слайд 16Мatch the expressions with the russian newspapers:

intriguing headlines
a weather forecast

celebrity gossip
an article about politics

Мatch the expressions with the russian newspapers:intriguing headlinesa weather forecastcrossword puzzlescelebrity gossipan article about politics

Слайд 17Test yourselves:

Test yourselves:

Слайд 18Where will you look for this information?
- If I need

information about…,
I look for it in the …(tabloids,

because they write a lot about…

Use the expressions:

Where will you look for this information?- If I need information about…, I look for it in

Слайд 19Problem: Is it real to find certain information in british


1.Sort the newspapers according their format

(broadsheets or tabloids).
2.Read the headlines.
3.Look the photos.
4.Read some articles more attentively.
Problem: Is it real to find certain information in british press?  1.Sort the newspapers according their

Слайд 20How to solve a problem ?
Step 1. Finding information.
Step 2.

Comparing and analysing information.
Step 3. Defending your position.
Step 4. Making

Step 5. Using practical knowledge.
How to solve a problem ?Step 1. Finding information.Step 2. Comparing and analysing information.Step 3. Defending your

Слайд 21Project


Слайд 22How do you like the lesson?
Now I know
Mark by plus+

or minus -

How do you like the lesson?Now I knowMark by plus+  or minus -

Слайд 23Homework:
Prepare a talk about any Russian newspaper.

Ex.B, p.110.

Homework:  Prepare a talk about any Russian newspaper.       Ex.B, p.110.

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