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Инновационный урок по английскому языку "What have you got in your schoolbag?"

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1What have you got in your school bag?

What have you got in your school bag?

Слайд 2Let’s practice!

Let’s practice!

Слайд 3[υ] book, look, exercise book
[υ:] school, tool, school bag

pen, pencil case, extra, red, desk, left, end, ten

[υ] book, look, exercise book[υ:] school, tool, school bag ooe[e] pen, pencil case, extra, red, desk, left,

Слайд 4Backpack. Fruit snack. Waterbottle too. Calculator. French Translator. Pink eraser. Glue.
Notebooks. Workbooks. Poster paper. Pens. Dictionary. Stationery. Presents for my friends.

Backpack. Fruit snack. Waterbottle too. Calculator. French Translator. Pink eraser. Glue.  Notebooks. Workbooks. Poster paper. Pens.

Слайд 5Watch the video

Watch the video

Слайд 7What’s this?


What’s this?MonologueDialogue

Слайд 8A dialogue is
and giving their opinion

asking questions

a talk

between two




A dialogue is and giving their opinionasking questionsa talkbetween two people?I think…

Слайд 9Listen and guess

Listen and guess

Слайд 10Vocabulary
a school bag

a book

a ruler

an exercise book

a pen

a pencil case

a pencil

a rubber

Vocabularya school bag a book a ruler an exercise book a pen a pencil case a pencil

Слайд 11Let’s play!

Let’s play!

Слайд 12Game “Change your place”

Game “Change your place”

Слайд 13How to make a dialogue?

How to make a dialogue?

Слайд 14Smile
Don’t forget say “Hello”
Be a good listener

SmileDon’t forget say “Hello”Be a good listener

Слайд 15be active
be positive
be polite

be activebe positivebe polite

Слайд 16Plan
Say “Hello”
Ask questions
Give the answer
Say “Goodbye”

PlanSay “Hello”Ask questionsGive the answerSay “Goodbye”

Слайд 17Let’s speak!

Let’s speak!

Слайд 18Questions & Answers
1) What have you got in your school

3) What colour is\are your


I have got 5.

I have got a , a , a , , a , a

2) How many have you got?

They are\It is red, blue, black, brown and

Questions & Answers1) What have you got in your school bag?3) What colour is\are your

Слайд 19Let’s sing!
What’s this? (8)

What’s this?
It’s a notebook.
What’s this?
It’s an eraser.

What’s this?
It’s a spider.

Let’s sing!What’s this? (8)What’s this?It’s a notebook.What’s this?It’s an eraser. What’s this? It’s a spider.

Слайд 20Choose the apple that reflects your mood
I like the lesson.

feel happy.
I like the lesson.
I feel pleased

Choose the apple that reflects your moodI like the lesson.I feel happy.I like the lesson.I feel pleased

Слайд 21Today I…
school things
rules of speaking
- how to make a dialogue

make a dialogue
- answer and ask questions

Today I…know:school thingsrules of speaking- how to make a dialoguecan: make a dialogue- answer and ask questions

Слайд 22Homework
«My dream pencil case»

HomeworkProject«My dream pencil case»

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