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My Favourite Type of Mass Media Television

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Слайд 1My Favourite Type of Mass Media
Irina Davletova, 7a

My Favourite Type of Mass MediaTelevisionIrina Davletova, 7a

Слайд 2My favourite type of mass media is TV.

My favourite type of mass media is TV.

Слайд 3TV is the main source of news and information. It

gives people an opportunity to “travel” all over the world.

TV is the main source of news and information. It gives people an opportunity to “travel” all

Слайд 4Moreover, television helps us to relax and to enjoy watching

the fantastic world without leaving our room. You also can

escape from reality while watching TV.
Moreover, television helps us to relax and to enjoy watching the fantastic world without leaving our room.

Слайд 5My favourite TV channels are STS and TNT.

My favourite TV channels are STS and TNT.

Слайд 6On TNT I like watching such programmes as “Comedy Club”

and “Stand Up”. I like these programmes because they are

funny and make me laugh.
On TNT I like watching such programmes as “Comedy Club” and “Stand Up”. I like these programmes

Слайд 7On STS I love watching TV series “Molodezhka”. I love

it because it is about hockey and I like watching

this sport very much. “Molodezhka” is exciting TV series about lives of hockey players who play in the youth hockey team.
On STS I love watching TV series “Molodezhka”. I love it because it is about hockey and

Слайд 8I watch TV every day because when I come home

after school and feel very tired, TV helps me to

relax and can entertain me.

That’s why TV is my favourite type of mass media.
I watch TV every day because when I come home after school and feel very tired, TV

Слайд 9Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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