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My future restaurant "Shynok"

Ukrainian is one of the most hospitable nations in Europe They say that one of the most hospitable Ukrainian nation in Europe. Slavs always stood out skill to receive visitors, and Ukrainian

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My future restaurant "Shynok"

My future restaurant

Слайд 2Ukrainian is one of the most hospitable nations in Europe

say that one of the most hospitable Ukrainian nation in

Europe. Slavs always stood out skill to receive visitors, and Ukrainian language is even the right word-” LIVING”. That is a host within someone and treat someone ... Restaurant "Shynok" gives us an excellent opportunity to experience the fullness of the Ukrainian word. Upon entering the restaurant, once you get into another dimension. World of Ukrainian traditional houses. On the threshold you immediately meet beautifully dressed girls in traditional Ukrainian clothes offered a place will. Near the front door hangs People shynkivskyy calendar where indicated birthdays month. Every guest that visits the " Shynok " in the name day and certify your name, get a significant discount. Trifle, but nice.
Ukrainian is one of the most hospitable nations in Europe		They say that one of the most hospitable

Слайд 3 Restaurant "Shynok"
Restaurant "Shynok" has four cozy rooms. Everything here

Ukrainian: embroidered towels and and wooden tables. Currently Ukrainian folk

music - every evening guests entertained music. Decor of restaurant is impressive: everything is made with the soul and at home, really like being surrounded by Ukrainian houses - not elegant, but simple, warm and cozy.

Слайд 4Replete with authentic
The "Shynok" is replete with authentic: decorative carts,

ornaments in the Ukrainian style ... There is even an

ox and a cow, not true, of course, simply very nice. First, the eyes diverge from all bright jumble, but quickly get used to, and after some ten minutes it seems that you are here for a long time.
Replete with authentic		The

Слайд 5Attentive waiters
That brought the menu. Attentive waiters watching your every

movement and try to fulfill your every wish. It noted

a variety of food and drinks in a restaurant menu. Ukrainian traditional cuisine really rich recipes.
Attentive waiters		That brought the menu. Attentive waiters watching your every movement and try to fulfill your every

Слайд 6Menu
Borsch, cabbage soup, pickles, various dumplings, potato pancakes with sour

cream, cakes, stuffed cabbage, black pudding, roast potatoes .Several species.

And drinks: stewed fruit, brew, colorful liqueurs, vodka, beer. For dessert, you can order pancakes, poppy cake, pancakes.
Menu		Borsch, cabbage soup, pickles, various dumplings, potato pancakes with sour cream, cakes, stuffed cabbage, black pudding, roast

Слайд 7 I'm glad to see you in his restaurant "Shynok"

I'm glad to see you in his restaurant

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