Разделы презентаций

New York!


Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

New York!
“There are many apples on the tree, but only

one big apple”

New York!“There are many apples on the tree, but only one big apple”

Слайд 2 Manhattan


Слайд 3
The Bronx

The Bronx

Слайд 4


Слайд 5Brooklyn


Слайд 6
Staten Island

Staten Island

Слайд 7The Empire State building

The Empire State  building

Слайд 8The Guggenheim Museum

The Guggenheim Museum

Слайд 9The map of Manhatten

The map of Manhatten

Слайд 10Fifth Avenue

Fifth Avenue

Слайд 11Broadway


Слайд 12Jonn Rockefeller

Jonn Rockefeller

Слайд 13The Rockefeller Center

The Rockefeller Center

Слайд 14Match Rockefeller’s words with the following ideas:
1. I believe in

the supreme worth of the individual and in his right

to life, liberty, and happiness.
2. I believe that the law was made for man and not man for the law, that government is the servant of the people and not their master.
3. I Believe in an all-wise and all-loving God, named by whatever name. The individual’s highest fulfillment, greatest happiness, are found in living in harmony with his will.
4. I believe that love is the greatest thing in the world, that it alone can overcome hate, that right can and will triumph over might.

A: Presidents and ministers must work for the people.
B: Everybody has the right to be happy.
C: Love is the most powerful thing in the world.
D: Your religion doesn’t matter; but it’s important to believe in God.
Match Rockefeller’s words with the following ideas:1. I believe in the supreme worth of the individual and

Слайд 15Carnegie Deli

Carnegie Deli

Слайд 16Pastrami


Слайд 17Corned beef

Corned beef

Слайд 18Blintzes


Слайд 19Make up as many words as you can
-ness, -ship, -dom,

-hood, less

free king
child brother
friend member
wise mother
dictator useful
star kind
home job

Make up as many words as you can-ness, -ship, -dom, -hood, lesshappy

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